Airport Meals

Glad you started this. I would like to learn how people handle eating healthy in airports and hotels? Finding a healthy meal in ATL was impossible this week.


  • thrashscara
    thrashscara Posts: 72 Member
    It's difficult, I dont fly but share the same pain on long distance trains. I've started getting really creative with my meals, such as having stuff that would not normally be seen as a "proper meal"! Carrots, tuna and hummus is a staple in my bag. Another option I have is to always carry a meal replacement sachet that just needs cold water, for when you are desperate and only junk available.
  • Mnaminal
    Mnaminal Posts: 90 Member
    I avoid ATL like the plague. It depends on your nutrition goals, really. Low carb is super easy these days. Every kiosk has hard boiled eggs. Most of the Hudson books have little cheese/nuts trays and protein shakes.

    I personally am a low fat person, so I can usually manage either sushi or a bagel with egg whites. Chinese-style places tend to at least have steamed veg.

    Sit down places are still hard. I might go for an appetizer or non-cream based soup. But it’s tough.