December 11 Sign In



  • lalabank
    lalabank Posts: 1,009 Member
    3x’s yes! 45 minute free weight strength class. Great on calories and Logging.
    I love group exercise because I push myself further in a group setting and I don’t have to think or plan my workout, I just do what I’m told. I particularly love something like a really hard boot camp styled class where I challenge myself.
    I’m not a big fan of spinning but I started going 1-2 per week for the winter to see if I could learn to not hate it. It’s working, I hate it slightly less and like how I feel afterwards more.
  • Luke_rabbit
    Luke_rabbit Posts: 1,031 Member
    Exercise? Yes. Went to the zoo again with my friend. Fitbit considered it 29 minutes of exercise, although we were there about 1.5 hours. Also did 17 min of yoga/core.

    Within my calorie goal? Oui.

    Tracked everything? Si.

    I guess walking is my favorite exercise - or maybe it's just the one I dislike the least. I used to really like strength training but nowadays I worry too much about injuring myself.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Yes x3.

    Favorite exercises are walking, running, and sometimes strength (when I get into it and see progress)

    Least favorite is anything dancy or requiring coordination :#
  • corriepelc
    corriepelc Posts: 2,088 Member
    edited December 2019
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? 3 mile treadmill run this morning

    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes and under

    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yep!

    My favorite exercise is no surprise to those who know me here -- it's running! I became a runner about four years ago and now I've signed up for my 8th half-marathon for March, and I'm considering starting full-marathon training.

    Before that, my favorite form of exercise was -- and still is -- dancing. I've been dancing since I was 5 -- was my first major in college. I then continued dancing as a young adult, doing competitive Latin ballroom for a few years. Now I'm doing a barre workout every week and I'm considering going back to adult tap and ballet classes.

    And over the years I've formed a deep love and appreciation for strength training as it really has made a difference in my body composition and shape, and helps protect me from injury during my runs.
  • w8goal4life
    w8goal4life Posts: 1,375 Member
    edited December 2019
    craigo3154 wrote: »
    There seems to be a number of stages for exercise:
    1. Getting started - seems to take motivation just to over come the inertia
    2. Getting up to speed - this is the "hard work" phase, usually still lacking in motivation
    3. Being in the groove - this is where is starts to be enjoyable, motivation found and it just keeps itself going
    4. Getting tired - this is where you have reached your comfortable limit, motivation now drains away and it's a chore to continue
    5. All done - job done, you feel like doing nothing again. Unfortunately for a few activities there are clean up jobs (like shower, change clothes, pack away equipment, etc...)
    6. Afterglow - a good/happy kind of tired where you feel can rest and have completed something

    Truth to every word...thank you for sharing this. It is truly a great analysis.

    For me today...
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? 22 minutes low impact aerobics and 5 minutes of stretches.
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes, and under considering that Memaw was in the cookie jar yesterday!
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    @RangerRickL I think my favorite exercises are YouTube videos by Gilad Janklowicz. I've done exercises to his videos for probably the last 8 years. Like you and I, he is a senior citizen, now, at 65 years young...and I particularly like that he provides an idea as to good form for exercises he chooses. The young folks on this forum would probably be into something more current...but I'm happy with his videos which for the most part require no equipment, except for some hand weights, now and then, and perhaps a mat (the carpeting on my floor is cushion enough). I find that even when I do my walking YouTube hikes...that I'll do some of Gilad's exercises along my "virtual trail." Another plus for Gilad is that his videos, in my playlist, tend to be 9 minutes or less...which gives me the impetus to "get started" knowing that once started it is easier to keep going through additional video sets rather than having to start out with 20-30 minutes. Just a crutch, I know...but it works. Baby steps... ;)

    I am not one to make use of a gym or a training facility. I like "free" and agree with @Craigo3154 that walking is one of the very best exercises and takes top priority. My indoor exercises with Gilad are the next best thing, particularly given the inclement weather we tend to have in western New York.
  • oldDogBiking
    oldDogBiking Posts: 159 Member
    Exercise - yes
    Track - yes
    Budget - yes
    I went out on the road today somewhat later than usual. 8 o'clock I think it was. I am usually earlier than that.
    So the people were different.
    You know what I mean. It is like if you go to a later spin class, the people are all different. To be expected.
    So I met a guy. He was out walking his dog. But I know where he parked and I saw all of the stickers on his truck. They were all mountain biker brand stickers and athletic stuff. Might have been a 13.1 or a 26.2 on there.
    He is an endurance athlete. I intuit that much.
    I intercept him going up when I am going up. He is brisk walking. I am not much faster than that climbing. He has a funny looking dog.
    We greet each other with a "good morning" or something like that.
    I tell him right off the bat, "I bet that dog is faster than me."
    He say "yeah, she is pretty quick."

    I have become kind of a presence on that road and some of these guys are becoming kind of curious about me. This is a place of a pretty broad spectrum of athleticism. We have your dog walkers and we have trail runners that do several half marathons in a week.

    But I have been thinking about this. How cool would it be if I found a compatriot that was similar in ability as me to ride with? What it be like if I had somebody could add an element of safety to my summertime endeavors on the Colorado Trail? That'd be cool. I wouldn't have to buy one of them emergency locator beacons.

    So me an this guy are fishing around in each others brains about physical capacities. He ask me right off the bat how old I am. I tell him.

    He fishes around for my trail type aptitudes. I tell him I don't do much of the single track around there because I mostly ride alone. (I don't want to wreck in the middle of a place by myself.)

    I tell him that I am working on my ambition of 1 million feet of climb. I don't know if he figures that to be preposterous.

    He asks me if I ride every day. I tell him no mostly every other day. I tell him my standard climb is 2,000 feet. I don't say do the math but I can see his gears churning. Quarter million per year, that could happen. Doesn't happen but it could happen.

    But that guy says good bye with an "I'll be seeing you around here."

    He is an athlete close to my age. Probably stronger. It'd be cool if I had a pal like that. I hope me and my hubris didn't blow it.

    I saw a trail runner girl... now this is a later crowd, did I already say that?

    I thought she was doing hill repeats like I do them. I figured out later though what she was doing was running 10k on the loop in one direction then at the end, instead of lapping, turning around and running the loop going the other way around. Heh, 2 x 10k without having the same vista each way.

    But yeah, Sisyphus says life on the trail is way better than life on the couch.

    Sisyphus also says he can eat way more than his exercise calories if he isn't paying attention.

    Sisyphus also says his climb tally is at 699,400. Next ride, probably Friday, he will roll through the magic number of 700,000.
  • Impala007
    Impala007 Posts: 293 Member
    Exercise: Y working around the house today.
    Calories: Y 1511/1800
    Tracked: Y

    Favorite exercises: walking and biking
    Least: running
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? YES (mall and store walking -- sore feet!)
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? YES
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? YES

    My favorite exercise is bicycling, especially in the outdoors when the weather is nice.
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    This year, due to recurring lumbar spine issues, I have not been able to do vigorous exercises. Stretching and walking are my mainstay.
    I've just returned from an 3 day legal conference. Fortunately, I can stretch and walk anywhere: airports and hotels are just fine for those exercises. I look funny as I do my stretches in public spaces, but people just look over at me...see an old guy stretching and then, just ignore me. It's perfect.
    I did eat sensibly during my trip as most conference hotels have nice restaurants with fresh fish options.
    Walking and stretching were done multiple times per day.
    Regarding my least favorite exercise: the burpee is an unpleasant experience and the side plank is tough.
  • loopydo2017
    loopydo2017 Posts: 628 Member
    Yes x3.
    I’m a fan of strength training and walking. I enjoy hiking but living on the flat, flat prairies doesn’t give me many options.
    I dislike running. I have tried over and over to like it but nope.
  • Hollis100
    Hollis100 Posts: 1,408 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes, I walked about 6 hours -- work related.
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes, definitely
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes, even the sugarless gum (5 calories a stick(
  • Hollis100
    Hollis100 Posts: 1,408 Member
    My favorite exercise: walking and jogging outside in nature
    Least favorite exercise: going to the gym for any reason, but I'm also grateful the gym is nearby. We have severe winters with ice and snow and high humidity in the summer. The gym is necessary.
  • JTreasures
    JTreasures Posts: 856 Member
    Yes x 3
  • jem302
    jem302 Posts: 302 Member
    Yes x3 today
  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,147 Member
    Thank you, @craigo3154 Makes me feel 'normal' again. It's not always easy to post amongst people who all seem to love exercise. ..
  • fatbambi2017
    fatbambi2017 Posts: 1,295 Member
    Walking is my favourite, jogging/running I wouldn't do as I just don't feel right 😂
    Exercise yes 10 min quigong, 20 min leslie sansone, 60 min walk
    Tracking yes Calories yes
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,128 Member
    Dec 11

    Ex: 116 mins walking except 30 of Pilates
    Calories: over - cat survived her surgery! Is eating! Now, onto colonoscopy prep Dec 12 for procedure on Dec 13. Shingrex Dec 19. Hoping life gets back to normal when our cat gets her stitches out Dec 21. I’m
    Much Much more relaxed now that it’s over & she’s doing so well.

    I realized I was eating today thinking it would make me feel better (old programming from my previous life haha) because, in reality, my body does Not feel good when it’s over fed.

    Likely my calories over today & under tomorrow will even out.
    Tracked all yes!

    Pass Days remaining: -1
    Won’t be in the a Winner’s Circle, but I’m a winner. Maintaining 71-73lb weight loss for 385 days❣️ This Perfect storm of the past week will not derail me - a bump in the road.
    We are all stronger than we think we are.

    Favorite exercise?
    Because of various past injuries (even did physicalTherapy to try to fix them - no luck, I avoid some of my favorites:

    Dancing❤️❤️❤️ LOVE it, making up my own dances or Salsa! Don’t do it due to fear of re-injury of ankle

    Bicycling❤️❤️❤️used to ride 100-milers LOVE IT! Stopped because of distracted drivers/fear of severe injury or death after being tapped going 5mph.

    Swimming❤️❤️❤️ with Txplant, I can only swim in ocean or well maintained private pool

    Hiking in Nature ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Glorious. PT told me to avoid hills, but I still do them occasionally for the heart strengthening effects

    Walking ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️SO good for ne in so many ways. My GO TO.

    Weight Lifting ❤️❤️❤️I love it and did quite a lot mid year but found I got Really Hungry. Have thought of trying again but lifting myself to 30 mins a day not 90+.

    Pilates - my teacher is magical. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Don’t like:
    Exercise bike - just find it uncomfortable. I do use it in the gym but prefer treadmill & elliptical.


    Using a roller

    Yoga - but I do love restorative yoga
  • znaoiec
    znaoiec Posts: 1,989 Member
    Exercise: yes
    Calories: yes
    Tracked: yes

    Love walking and have been a walker all my life. It works well for me and I am very consistent about it regardless of what is going on in my life.

    I don't do well with highly aerobic forms of exercise or anything that requires complicated movement as this seems to result in eventual injury. I find walking injury free for the most part except when I fall on ice and break bones.

    I wish I liked strength training and yoga and stretching. I know they are really good for me especially at my age. I keep trying to find the right way to incorporate them into my life in a manner that I find enjoyable (enjoyable=consistency). I have discovered mini videos which I like. They don't overwhelm me with their commitment and still introduce some of these exercises into my life. I just have to make time to include them which has been hard recently. A work in progress.

    @w8goal4life Thanks for mentioning the videos you watch. I am always looking to see what other people are watching and finding new videos.
  • cjane917
    cjane917 Posts: 688 Member
    yes x3

    In high school I did cross country and track, then did a marathon in college, and then stopped running :D I was never one of the people who lovedddd running, and I just decided I don't want to.

    Did salsa dancing for a few years as an adult, then gained weight, and now that I'm back down my main exercises are walking, biking (live in DC so bike on city streets) and now my new hobby of parkour. I think I enjoy fun exercises. I do enjoy body strength workouts incorporating squats and things, but I've never been into the gym and weight machines, ellipticals, spinning, or treadmills
  • avalonblues
    avalonblues Posts: 558 Member
    edited December 2019
    Exercised? YES - Exercise, lunch walk
    Tracked? YES
    Calories? YES
    Passes Used:0/3
    My favorite exercises are my Crossfit classes 3-4 times a week. I also play golf (walk when I can) and snow ski for vacations. My least favorite exercises are swimming (because I can't) and distance running - anything more than a 5K.