Useful websites & Links

ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
Ok, I thought it'd be a good idea to have some useful websites for you guys to read and some websites which were staple in my learning progress. - The website which changed everything for me, it has the same concept as Leangains just more explained and simple to understand. The owner is a guy called Andrew Morgan and he is a great helpful guy - you can find everything from nutrition, to training on here. Best site I ever found, he has many, many successful clients. - some of you may know of this, owner Martin Berkhan - very useful website for studies, and the basic Intermittent Fasting protocol setups. - Lyle McDonalds website, packed with information. - Alan Aragon's site, another site packed with endless information. - Important information about starvation mode.

These sites are the only sites I ever use, unless looking for studies or websites that try and prove these set of sites wrong with their methods (never happens, but I like to read both sides).