What's on your mind today?

RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
This is where you can share what's on your mind. Recipes, ideas, workouts, anything that you think might be helpful to others.

Maybe, you've tried something that has worked for you in the past and would like to share it with the group. Maybe, you have a NSV (Non Scale Victory) that you would like to share with the group. Anything that you feel comfortable sharing or anything that you feel comfortable asking the group with help....this is the place to come.

The GOOD!! What NSV did you have this week!!
The BAD!! So what....you ate the whole thing!!
The UGLY!! That darn scale went through the window this week....it deserved it too!!

So, what's on your mind today??


  • gore_melinda
    gore_melinda Posts: 32 Member
    Well I have now done more than I did this whole entire last year... Ate breakfast (my own farm fresh eggsx2) and 2 cups of water... why is this important well.... i typically dont eat breakfast - I have not yet had a Mt. Dew (yes i know it has only been 4 hours and 14 minutes) and i have drank water.... when i would rather be laying in bed hiding from all of the stress. But with a little help and a Lot of motivation from some of you. I might be able to keep on top of this
  • yellobird13
    yellobird13 Posts: 118 Member
    @bold_rabbit I’m also a fan of long and way too ambitious lists that are short lived :-/

    My top three resolutions - ranked of course:
    1. Eat more vegetables and fruits. My goal is to include some at every meal.
    2. Exercise for at least 20 minutes every day. I would like to get back to comfortably being able to run 10k again. On the fence about training for a specific race, since I don’t really enjoy them and am disgusted by the amount of waste they generate.
    3. Get back to about 145 pounds in the first half of the year and maintain there.
  • yellobird13
    yellobird13 Posts: 118 Member
    Dory_42 wrote: »
    @bold_rabbit I’m also a fan of long and way too ambitious lists that are short lived :-/

    My top three resolutions - ranked of course:
    1. Eat more vegetables and fruits. My goal is to include some at every meal.
    2. Exercise for at least 20 minutes every day. I would like to get back to comfortably being able to run 10k again. On the fence about training for a specific race, since I don’t really enjoy them and am disgusted by the amount of waste they generate.
    3. Get back to about 145 pounds in the first half of the year and maintain there.

    How about signing up for one of the virtual races? You do it on your own and just submit the data from your tracker, so you don't have the waste etc as an element but it gives you something to work towards. Find one that supports a cause you want to support for extra motivation.

    Great idea!!! Thank you! I’ll look into it today!
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    I hadn't heard of virtual races, what a great idea! I used to run races a lot, this might motivate me to do one again.

    Feeling good and motivated so far in the New Year. Planning to increase my weight lifting days from 3 to 5 days a week.
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,441 Member
    Today is my Admin's last day so I'm taking her out after work to our favorite greasy hamburger dive bar. I've pre-logged a pile of fries and a couple beers, with a light lunch I can pull it off with a little wiggle room for a few more beers once I get home. Not the most nutritional day, but I'll take it! I'd hate to have to use a pass so early in the game! It's all about planning the day to meet your needs.

    Y'all are Rockstars! Keep up the good work!
  • yellobird13
    yellobird13 Posts: 118 Member
    My goal for 2020 is to weigh under 300 lbs. Its a big goal, but I think I can do it...

    Yes you can! We’re rooting for you!

  • yellobird13
    yellobird13 Posts: 118 Member
    Fife24 wrote: »
    I just got off my treadmill. I have not been on it since 2016. That feels like a huge accomplishment. Just a mile, but A MILE! Feels good. Hope others are pushing themselves just a little. I have to keep reminding myself that perfect is the enemy of good.

    Not sure I would have set the treadmill back up or gotten on it if it weren’t for this challenge. So thanks to all of you.

    Congratulations!!! I was just thinking this morning that my perfectionism is my biggest enemy (and my biggest asset)! The last two months I dropped out and completely gave up because I had more than three pass days...this months I‘ll try to not do that.
  • Fife24
    Fife24 Posts: 117 Member
    Yesterday was an anomaly for me I actually went out with friends and had drinks. I had a plan to stay within my calorie count, but I blew it with a stop for a fresh warm doughnut on the way home.

    The big thing is that I didn’t give up this time. In the past a bad day would throw me off for days. Instead, today I got up. I weighed in (up a pound). Didn’t freak out. Went and rode the spin bike. No guilt no shame.

    Didn’t want to use a pass so soon, but days like yesterday are definitely the exception rather than the norm.

    Cheers y’all!

    That’s a big deal! Congratulations on letting today be a new day with new decisions! I’m working similar attitudes of my own. Trying to do things different. Yay!!