Like Minded Lushes - Winter 2019



  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Glad to see you, Syd and Ann, are doing well. As for my parents, dad 90 mom 84. They understand not visiting but I can't get my mom to accept not going shopping etc. The best she would say is, well we can go together. NO!

    So I call every couple of days and hope for the best. The scuttlebutt out there says a national shutdown will occur next week. Washington is already shutdown so it won't change things for us. I believe the supply chains will still be running, and grocery stores pharmacies and gas stations well remain open.

    Amazon is trying to hire 100,000 people due to the increase in online orders.

    Love you guys! <3
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    I'll start a Spring/Summer thread soon. Not too many lushes around these days but want to keep it going for those who choose to stop by!
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Thanks Syd!
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    Your parents sound a lot like my in-laws, Gary. My FIL can't seem to wrap his head around staying in their home - he wanted to head up north, which is like 300 some miles away. Which wouldn't necessarily be a problem but they would have to stop several times at rest areas, so that is a problem. He asked my husband yesterday if they can head out to the grocery store next week, which obviously isn't going to be a good move. My MIL has had pneumonia several times so she definitely should not be around anyone that might pass this virus to her....
    So far, I'm working from home and my home is spotless, yesterday - I cleaned out my pantry, my bedroom closet and my office the time this is over, everything will be beyond spotless! Stay safe lushes!!! <3
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    I hear you Ann. I was telling my cousin that it's an unsettling reversal of our teenage years that we are now yelling at our parents for going out. :D

    We're hunkered down. Even the golf course closed here altho that didn't stop people from going out to play. People flocked to Joshua Tree thinking the open air spaces would be safe, but the crowds were bad. We walk the neighborhood daily while we can enjoy the moderate temps. Come July, everyone stays inside here because of the heat anyway.

    Like a true lush, we ordered a pick up from Bevmo (local booze store) and are well stocked in tequila, vodka and wine. You all would be proud of me :drinker: