Blogilates inspired 90 day journey

KadieDC Posts: 2 Member
For the next 12 weeks, I'm going to track several metrics daily. My goal is to make this decade my healthiest decade yet. I want to become a more mindful eater, increase muscle mass and decrease fat, drink enough water, get enough sleep, and take care of my mental health. I believe that by tracking this numerically daily, I will build healthy habits and be motivated to make generally better decisions. I am choosing not to set strict rules about what I can eat, what exercises I will do or when I'll do them. Every week my goal will be to reduce fat (not trying to go below 20%) and increase muscle, trying to get to my goal weight of 122 pounds. The goal weight is just a target for me, and may move. I want to be strong, physically and mentally, and if I do manage to pass a certain threshold of strength, traditional BMI calculations may no longer serve me. Anyway, that was a long-winded post to see if anyone wants to join me and help me to be accountable. Anyone?


  • kaydee378
    kaydee378 Posts: 4 Member
    What are you tracking? Unfortunately, I'm keto (doctor recommended), so can't help you with the fat reduction part.