28 Day Goal (August through September)

katieuk Posts: 304 Member
Hi Guys,

So this was a popular topic of discussion last time so I thought it would be a good idea to keep it going...

Last month my 28 day goals were:

1) To lose an inch from my saddlebags; and
2) To cut our bread and bread products

Well I failed miserably on 2) really miserably!!! :-(

With regard 1) I lost 0.8" so I am happy that my measures are going in the right direction on this area of my body :-) albeit I did not reach my goal!!

My goals for this month are as follows:

1) To achieve a loss with my measures on the areas in which I gained this month - waist / hips / chest
2) To eat a maximum of 1 slice of wholemeal bread per day (with sugar free jam - this is good for my running training)
3) No takeaway food at all
4) Maximum of 1 cup of coffee per day

Good luck guys.


  • SolanumSunrise
    SolanumSunrise Posts: 244 Member
    My goals for August were:

    - Lose .5" from my belly --- Goal met!
    - Complete Phase II of Body By You --- I'm a week behind so I didn't finish as planned
    - Swim freestyle for ten laps without stopping. --- I can do this if you don't count gasping for breath every couple of laps as stopping
    - Get the cute guy who shared my swim lane with me yesterday to talk to me. --- Well he did ask me the time once, so I'll count this as a met goal. :) Haven't seen him in a couple of weeks.

    For August/September

    - Do better with not skipping strength training so I should complete week three of Cycle III of Body By You
    - Relating to the strength training goals, I want to be able to do a set of one legged squats.
    - Keep losing inches from belly, hoping for another .5"
    - Bring veggie snacks to work consistently so I get more servings of vegetables in every day.
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    Last month goals were

    1. Log everything
    2. Squats up to 100lbs
    Bench and OHP at 65lbs
    Rows at 70lbs
    Deadlifts up to 100lbs
    3. Keep macros in check

    1 and 3 I did fairly decent on.

    I got my squats up to 100, bench and overhead press up to 60, rows up to 70, and deadlifts up to 95. So I met 2 of my strength goals. I would have done so much better if it wasn't for that week I got sick. When I went back to lifting after being sick, I wasn't lifting as much as before I got sick. Oh, well here is to next month!

    1. Squats up to 120lbs
    Bench and OHP up to 70lbs
    Rows up to 80lbs
    Deadlifts up to 115bs

    2. Go through my clothes. I have a few clothes that are just to big and quite a few that are almost there. Good thing I kept all my "small" clothes. I should be able to add some of those back in again sometime this month.

    3. Get to the halfway point (Week 4) in ZombiesRun trainer.