
Hi guys, I recently joined myfitnesspal and saw this newly formed group. I think it's a great idea given how much our mental/physical well-being is linked. When I'm in a negative place I know it's much easier to neglect exercise and eating well. One thing I do to combat this is workout first thing in the morning so I start the day off right. Anyone else have tips to stay in a positive mindset?


  • Hi there! I just joined recently as well :) I try to stay positive by not giving into my cravings, if I get a really bad craving I'll make my self wait at least 20 mins, and usually the craving passes. But if t just doesn't go away I choose a healthier alternative, like if I really want chocolate I'll make banana "ice cream" with just bananas, cocoa powder and honey. It always makes me feel better knowing I chose the healthy option, and I don't feel bad about myself after eating it. I wish I could workout in the morning too, I just am not a morning person, so I try to do 15-20 minutes of yoga after breakfast. Also, whenever I have a couple minutes I'll do squats, jumping jacks, leg lifts, stretches, etc. randomly throughout the day ( in addition to daily workout) I figure every calorie burnt helps right? :) just knowing I'm doing something helps keep me positive