
SandiW02 Posts: 223 Member
So I am really wanting this group to be very active - so I am wondering what types of challenges we should put in place? how do you want to use this group?

Here are some of my suggestions:
pack a healthy snack daily
weekly weigh-in's - for accountability
water intake

Advise threads?
how to get enough sleep
best ways to plan
how to fit in exercise with a commute

tell me what you would like or the needs you have and lets work together to make this a great group!


  • mvanbalkom
    I like the water intake and weekly weigh-ins. I'd like advice threads on scheduling exercise in a teacher's day and eating schedules.
  • mvanbalkom
    One of the big challenges I have is finding time to actually sit and enjoy my food. I keep getting the advice not to gulp something down but really concentrate on it...however, lunch time is filled with errands I have to get done before class, or students coming to ask something, or collegues. I find that I never have time to sit and eat which means I often feel hungry mid morning or afternoon and go for something quick. Advice?