Tuesday Cuppa Joe: 4.7.20

DocSkippy Posts: 7,302 Member
Morning Cuppa Joe.

"....but I've read the script and the costume fits, so I'll play my part." ~Cleopatra


  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,302 Member
    Monday was a long one. Oi!

    Broke ground on the pool - yea!!!!

    Lots going on.....remotes being eaten; massive fires; yikes.

  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,972 Member
    Mornin' BBB.

    Gonna sell the sod?

    I think Ruby Sue is trying to tell you something.

    Dang, that was a big fire. Was the cause determined?

    BBB OP ;-)
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,870 Member
    Good Morning,
    DW up and gone to store trying to score things they were out of two weeks ago; told her I would go; she said I could go with her but she was going
    Went to Lowe's to get soil for garden, they call ground up wood soil, finally found a couple of yards should be delivered tomorrow. I had been to Lowe;s Saturday but so crowded in garden center I did not go in. Need to finish planting garden.
    Mary, good that you can finish day earlier
    84 yesterday cloudy and low 80's expected today; we need rain to lower pollen count
    Dave, shelter in place seems to causing you to produce some beautiful wood bowls, vases and dishes
  • louisstone
    louisstone Posts: 2,680 Member
    Good morning.

    My former SIL lost her father to Covid last week and now she and my two nieces are presumptive positive. My nephew is okay so far, but that's because they think he already had it and didn't recognize it at the time.

    I'm a panelist on zoom conference today about Forecasting in Uncertain Times. It's geared towards organizations in our little corner of the non-profit world and I'm the only finance person on the call. And my hair's looking kinda ratty.


  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,972 Member
    I just read that the cars were overflow parked in a grassy lot and nearby brush caught fire and then spread to the cars. Wow. Wonder if insurance covered that kind of loss?

    Agree on the cool art coming out of your shop, Dave.

    How much did that soil cost ya, Sam? 20 yds delivered last year cost about $35/yd.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,225 Member
    Good morning BBB crew.

    Well, the puzzle is coming along. The problem I have with those things is that it is hard to tear them apart after they take so long to put together.

    I have a PT appointment, this morning. This will be my first trio away from home since we were instructed to wear a mask whenever we go out. It will be interesting to see how many people are obeying the directive.

    Our choir director sent out part recordings and music for a, Easter piece. She wants us to record ourselves and get it back to her, so she can assemble a virtual choir for Easter services. This might be beyond my limited technical abilities. We'll see.
  • steplinn398
    steplinn398 Posts: 3,019 Member
    Morning BBB

    Yardwork is killingy allergies. I'm on the hunt for local honey via the buy, sell, trade group. Hope I am Successful as I have read that will help.

    I forgot to grab handkerchiefs when we were at grandmas yesterday. Grandpa had a million of them and I am sure there are still some in the dresser. It is the only room I still have to finish cleaning out. I will use them to make our masks. If none there I will order some from one of the hiking gear manufacturers that are now making them. We leave the house so little I didn't worry too much about securing them. Dad has his work ones that he uses for farming anyway but I don't want to use up his good ones. I'm guessing he isn't good at using them.

    Going to add another acre to our hike today. That should add 3 miles if the road isn't affected by the highway.
  • mcee1
    mcee1 Posts: 3,709 Member
    Morning BBB

    I'm Working on a proposal going into Madrid. My contact says, they too are struggling with the Covid like the rest of the world, stay at home orders, etc.

    Im sorry for your exinlaws Lou, hopefully the others in the family will recover and get well.

    Heres a little something to check out if you haven't already, share with your grandkids too, if you want to see the space station fly over your hood........ this will pinpoint the when to look up.....https://spotthestation.nasa.gov

    You out there able to get your gardens going are soooo lucky! Its still barely busting into the 40's here most days, lucky if we hit 50 here and there, then its raining or so winding it feels cold. Oh well, it will come!

    My Canada customer in Alberta area was hit mid last week with a ton of snow thru this last weekend, like 20 some plus inches now over 6 days or some crazy amount is on the ground, and now way below zero temps, they are hoping it freezes out the Covid. If nothing else its keeping people inside their homes where they are suppose to be.....

    I've not been out since Friday morning, my quick trip to Aldi, and it was a week before that. I hope to not have to leave the house at all this week. I was going to go get Easter cards to mail, we'll see. Maybe I'll make some instead this afternoon with markers and construction paper. I have stamps, I would not have to leave the house....

    Crock pot beef stew is cooking today.

    Skip, so happy you moved forward with the pool! Hot tub too? Might as well, your back may thank you for that!!!

    How's Tom doing at his shop in IL, Raine?

    Good luck with your voice recording Dave, I bet you'll do just fine, otherwise call Dennis!! :)

    You all have a good day! Be safe, stay healthy!

  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,860 Member
    Good morning BBB Friends.
    • I don't know if those cars were insured or not but I bet GM and Ford would be more than happy to replace them.
    • Is that a map of Texas Lou? Good way to learn about your new home. Good luck today, or should I say break a leg?
    • Cabin fever got to me yesterday so my riding buddy and I rode our motorcycles around the lake. Didn't stop anywhere so it must be safe.
    • DW made a trip to the grocery store. We should be able to hibernate for 2 weeks.
    • Sam, you are making me feel like I should venture out and get our spring flowers. Planting them would give me something to do.
    • Stay safe my friends. It's dangerous out there.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,870 Member
    Soil $18.50 yard
    Dennis, if you go out make sure you go early in day or late so as not to run into folks I'm told Morgan Co. now has 13 cases of virus.
    Still no rice, paper products and limited cleaning supplies though we are stocked with cleaning products; was able to find meats, dairy, and bread
    Lou, we all know you have the expertise and know with all to handle; you've got this!
    Mary, one must decide to live in heat of south 8 - 9 months of year or deal with cold 8 - 9 months of year in northern part of U.S. folks in middle are libel to have to go either way. The southern parts of country may not experience cold but no way could I handle their summers again, also seen folks in Florida when temps dropped to 50's with heavy coats on; reckon what one is use to.