Best session 2013/Best session ever

Spudnut72 Posts: 33 Member
Let's get this group rolling. List your best session for 2013 and your best session ever. Best does not mean biggest - let's go for most memorable, most fun, surfing with best friends etc. I'll start.
BEST 2013: two days ago. Salt, Tweed Coast, NSW. Had a couple of hours to kill between meetings. Knew it would be small so took the longboard. Turns out it was 2-4 ft classic Aussie beach break, long clean walls, no one else out, board shorts in Winter (should have worn a springy). Good clean fun waves - and my meetings went very well.

BEST EVER: 1) Hortin Plage, France, August 1997. Surfing with my best mate Deano (a Kiwi), first surf in a fortnight due to injuries from a skateboard crash, 4-6 ft beach break off a sandbank that was doing an impression of a point break. Going left all day long. Riding a brand new 6'8 custom MMY ordered for the trip to Europe. Small crowds, board shorts, nice long walls, in the water for nearly five hours over two sessions, legs like jelly. Perfect day finished with a BBQ, cheap French Wine and beer and a great group of travelling surfers at the town's annual festival. Fireworks, dancing, drinking, surfing - life couldn't have been any better.

BEST EVER: 2) Any session with my son. 8 years old, learning to stand up and paddle by himself. The look on his face even when he just rides in on his belly or knees is worth gold to me.