New to MFP

Hi everyone!

As the title suggests I'm new to MFP and feel a bit overwhelmed but I'm going to stick with it. Previously I've followed Slimming World/Weight Watchers and had reasonably good results but always put the weight back on. I also am very aware that their methods are not healthy and I would rather focus more on health and hope that the much needed weight loss comes along with it. I input my weight, exercise regime etc and it came up with the calorie amount that I should be aiming for. I just wondered if other people did the same and stuck with it, or have perhaps altered their amounts because they have more knowledge? I should say I'm also here because I'm relatively new to veganism (October 2019) but thoroughly enjoying it and will not ever go back to eating meat. I'm always open to new recipes!



  • methodman78
    methodman78 Posts: 126 Member
    Hi Beth,
    welcome to the vegan team

    for me I have played around with calories and macronutrients for years, i enjoy adding weight and losing it, building muscle and losing fat, but its very individual, you might think i'm crazy eating 5,000 calories a day to add weight

    so if i could give any advice, i'd ensure your'e enjoing what you eat, move more and worry less about calorie counting or scales

    check my youtube for recipes ;)
  • bethreillystark
    bethreillystark Posts: 3 Member

    Thanks so much for the tips, I don't know why but I never got a notification to say you'd replied so sorry for the delay!
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    @bethreillystark I am new to the group and starting back on the MFP train. I lost a bunch of weight back in 2014 but slowly gained some back over the years. I will say I was not vegan when I did this back then and I am looking for some vegan friends and accountability buddies! Feel free to add me, and I hope to see you in the threads... as I hope to get this thing going and get serious about changing my lifestyle.