June 30 Sign In



  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Last two days, yes x 3. Even the wine and cupcake didn’t put me over. 💪
  • ForLangston
    ForLangston Posts: 919 Member
    Whoop whoop; we made it to month's end :) Go team!!! I'm yes x 3 today. Thanks to all of you for posting and supporting. @RangerRickL thanks for this group. I only had 4 or 5 pass days, which is huge for me. Onwards to July!!
  • amymh41
    amymh41 Posts: 104 Member
    Forgot to say yes x 3!
  • zeusmoose980
    zeusmoose980 Posts: 11 Member
    I ate under for calories, logged it all, and did 20 minutes of walking
  • shellywesley
    shellywesley Posts: 24 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes?yes
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day?yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank?yes
  • molly3210
    molly3210 Posts: 804 Member
    Yes x 3 for Tuesday
    Tracked, within limits and got lots of exercise with and hot of tenny then a nice long dog walk.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    And I managed three yesses again for the last day of June! Stayed within my calories (just), logged everything, and did some exercise - a socially distant walk with a friend who walks much faster than me, so felt like a workout!

    I think this is the longest I've managed to keep to consistent logging (almost a month) and the MFP community really helps keep me motivated and checking in. Thank you so much for organising this @RangerRickL. I feel like whatever I do, I always start out with good motivation and feeling committed, but sticking to it for a second month may be tougher - I hope carrying on with the UAC will keep me going. See you in July!

    @fairy_daisy We’re here for you! You are crafting new habits, which took me a couple of months. I had to learn to spread my food out over the day. Log dinner BEFORE eating it, so I didn’t have an OOPS that could have been averted, spread protein throughout the day, etc.
    ajdvegan wrote: »
    Ending the month with another pass day.
    Not sure why, but I was just so hungry all day and felt completely drained of energy.
    Started off tracking everything, but by this evening I gave up.. so definitely over the calories
    Exercise was only a 1.5 hour dog walk.

    But Wednesday is one of my running mornings, so I'll be starting the month off strong!

    This group has been a huge help for me this month. I'm definitely motivated to be in the winners circle for July!

    A 1.5 hour walk is exercise!!!
    I wonder if you need a few more calories for your level of exercise. Marathon, not a sprint... 🐢 not a 🐇 and all that!
    Have a great run tomorrow!
  • fatbambi2017
    fatbambi2017 Posts: 1,295 Member
    Wow, amazing winners circle! Well done everyone! And well done everyone not in it, all winners, excellent!
    Exercise yes 10 min quigong, 30 min yoga, 210 min cleaning, 50 min walk, 20 min gardening
    Tracking yes calories yes
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Success! Feeling good tonight.

    Exercise - Yes - felt a bit stronger than usual on a 5k with the running group tonight
    Tracked - Yes
    Calories - Yes, well under with no difficulty

    I've lost 6 lbs this month! I suspect I've gained some muscle too, so those 6 lbs feel extra meaningful. Thank you to all of you for helping me stay on track!

    July 1 is my birthday, and my plans for July 4 and 5 also involve a lot of temptation. July UAC is going to be a tough one for me. Looking forward to seeing you all there!

    @jillebean86 Happy Birthday (early!!)
    I hope you have a fabulous day!

    Re: July
    You can do it! You set the calories for each day. My mantra: “Focus on the celebration & friends/family - not the food. It’s just food that I won’t specifically remember even 4 days later lol
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Logged and Under? Yes.

    Exercise? Yes, a 43 minute walk.