June Accountability/Challenge Group

JenniAlfaro Posts: 5 Member
edited May 2020 in Social Groups
Any other teachers in here?!? This year has been one for books! My partner and I recently completed our first (successful) round of Whole30! If you have never heard of Whole30, it's just as amazing as it is challenging -- highly recommend! As much as we enjoyed it, we are looking for a more lax dietary lifestyle so we're just being mindful and eating clean foods while counting macros. That said, here's what I'm proposing...

An accountability group that I can create on FB where we can share our journey and (virtually) surround ourselves with like-minded people. Each week, for the month of June, I will post challenges; we can post our progress, NSVs (Non Scale Victories), or just vent to be heard.

If you're interested, please let me know! I'd love to get this started!!