Trainer Advice

JJMorrocco Posts: 43 Member
I am considering hiring a personal trainer this fall.

I am a member a local city run gym. Wondering if I should use their trainer or look for one that is 'independant' and will come to my gym to train.

I am not looking for anyhting too intense just to continue losing weight 1-2 bls per week. I would only expect to see the trainer once per week.

While on this topic do the 'private' gyms have better trainers?


  • melr01
    melr01 Posts: 70 Member
    I've had a personal trainer since last November. I chose not to use the trainers at the city gym as I wanted the option of going to the gym in my building as well. What I have since learned was the that the pt's at the city gyms don't always have as much certification or education as a trainer at other gyms. For example I understand that World Health is very strict with their trainers. They must get so many education credits every year. I would ask what qualifications they have how up to date their certifications are and then do the research. Personally I also wanted someone with some experience working with someone who was over weight. Different trainers have different experiences and I felt someone who was used to training athletes would not be a good fit for me.
    I found a personal trainer to be very useful. He pushed me farther than I ever would have pushed myself and I have learned so much in the last year.