This July I Will...



  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,617 Member
    Hi Denise, I certainly understand to a small degree what you are going through. Knowing that each situation is unique, but none is easy. And yours is very definitely not easy at all.

    I was caregiver, advocate, etc etc for my brother for well over a year from his being in surgical ICU to living several months in an amazing rehab facility, and then one that wasn't amazing, then onto living with us, while I worked with him to regain his physical and emotional strength and independence. We eventually moved him back into his apartment, and then back into his familiar independent full life he was living before his life threatening accident.

    It takes everything out of you and then some more. Bless your heart (and more 😃) as you continue caring for your parents, and working full time, and... and.... and... your many commitments etc.

    I can not take on the responsibility needed to be co-leader for this group as I am struggling doing a good job being a co-leader/leader with the group that I basically inherited by default a number of years ago (the leader had left the group).

    I love that group very much, as well as this one, but since December I have been struggling with some unforeseen, seemingly sudden, but apparently building up, health problems that I was unaware of, that is making exercise and being active difficult and painful. I'm trying to figure this out and also cope with the emotional fall out from the unexpected changes and levels of pain that I have been dealing with since December. My hardest thing for now? I'm sitting way more than I ever did ever since you taught me a better way with Sit Less Move More and unable to exercise as I was before.

    If no one is able to co-lead I would be abundantly grateful if you would still post the new monthly challenges every month. I have been blessed by your monthly challenges even when I am less than successful.

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,617 Member
    @PackerFanInGB , I was so sorry to read that you lost your job in June. That is life changing. I can not add anything that hasn't already been written to you so I will send you virtual hugs and virtual chocolate (which makes it zero calories 😂😋).

    I'm so proud of you for jumping back in the middle of the month and making a plan to cope with the changes. will be doing much more than coping, you will be thriving as you figure things out and work your new plan.

    @MadisonMolly2017 , hey Maddie, a group Declutter challenge in August sounds like a a good idea. I have been continuing decluttering bit by bit since our last declutter challenge in this group, which was in the middle of April 2019.

    Doing it together is such an encouragement... and fun!

    My thought about this is that we each post it however works best, like minutes or room or activity etc.

    I read everyone's posts for July thus far, well it is the end of the month so I read for the month 😁. You all always inspire me.

    July was more difficult for me. And I bailed on posting. Or figuring out a healthy habit to work on. I also forgot to keep reading for fun. That is unbelievable that I did that but it probably is a symptom of my struggles this year catching up to me, most noticeably especially this month. As I certainly enjoyed that reading.

    Actually things have been difficult since December with a new health challenge that has totally messed up my ability to do active exercise like I used to (at least for now). So I'm struggling with my emotional health on top of everything. Then the pandemic becoming real this spring. Oh my 😷.
    I've been a real scattered brain lately, thus accomplishing little. But I feel like this past week has been better and getting some of my old routine things done again 🙂.

    This month I have been substituting mostly easier working in the yard/ garden for my exercise. I never realized how much regular exercise helped me in the emotional health department. I just took things for granted till this year.

    I need to sort this all out and start researching also. The pain is no longer excruciating which is a blessing. I was recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my left ankle after x-rays and doctors visits, with my right ankle seeming to be also recently joining in. I never knew it was coming till I found my self with sudden excruciating (10+) pain in December. It seems like it had been starting with mild symptoms that I chalked up to my age (69), but it never prevented me from walking or exercising. Just a bit of achy older joints ya know 🤪. I never gave it another thought because it didn't interfere with life.

    Well, have to get ready to make supper. I will be thinking about August.. which starts tomorrow 😲 .

    Thank you all for your friendship here. This is an amazing group to belong to.


  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,634 Member
    Sorry that I disappeared this month. I have been working toward my goals although not diligently as in previous months. I’m hoping to jump in with gusto in August.

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,168 Member
    77tes wrote: »
    Sorry that I disappeared this month. I have been working toward my goals although not diligently as in previous months. I’m hoping to jump in with gusto in August.


    YAY! @77tes
    Hi think many of us hibernated a bit in July! Now it’s time to reconnect! Great job again on your tracker!!!! 👋💞
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