


  • cdflood2153
    cdflood2153 Posts: 28 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    First timer...

    I weighed 289 a little over a year ago. I was hospitalized (ICU) due to blood clots going into my lungs, and in both legs after getting pneumonia. I was told by 3 Doctors that I shouldn’t have survived! It was a wake up scare.

    I was told due to my weight, I had to take 2 injections of blood thinners a day into my stomach. But.. If I lost 10 lbs, I could move to the pill form. The shots were horrendous!!! It took a little over 30 days and I lost that 10 lbs and have very slowly kept going.

    By trying several programs, (Weight Watchers, Nooms, Lose it), I got down to 246. June, I had Covid-19. I became very inactive and my lung damage due to the clots, also seemed to escalate and my weight has gone up to 256.

    Now I am here!!! I do well when I make a project and commit! So here I go..

    The 20 min a day is going to be hard. I know I convince myself that I just can’t... but I will..

    I am a total “cliche” with a little plus added!
    Cut&Paste from the UAC FAQs

    3. What counts as exercise?

    Nearly all physical activity counts as exercise. That includes walking, cleaning your house, playing tag with the kids, walking your dog, etc. This doesn't mean you should do the bare minimum every day if you're capable of much more. If you want results, you have to challenge yourself, but for the purpose of the Ultimate Accountability Challenge, 20 minutes of any kind of exercise will suffice.
    For UAC puposes, ANY kind of Intentional Activity counts. At a level that slightly challenges YOU (and nobody else) And the 20 minutes a day doesn't have to be consecutive if you physically aren't there yet. Break it into 4 5-minute sections spread throughout the day if you have to. A potential personal goal might be to gradually over the month increase capacity to dividing the 20 minutes into only 3 or 2 sections. Or increase the four to 6-7 minutes each which will almost be 30 minutes total across the day ....

    Thank you so much! Encouraging..
  • hannahm120
    hannahm120 Posts: 34 Member
    I am looking for friends too, so I am sending you a request. I could really use some encouragement and accountability as well.
    Let's do this! My team sports (indoor and now outdoor soccer) has been canceled canceled due to COVID-19. I'm sure we'll both find creative ways to stay active each day.
  • alligatorob
    alligatorob Posts: 778 Member
    I'm back. This will be my 6th month with the UAC and it has been very good for me.

    I have lost 200 lbs, and the last 50 or so while on the UAC. I am now in maintenance, a whole new challenge. The UAC helps, a lot.

    I don't see how I can make the winner's circle in September, I have a vacation planned that will take me out of cell phone range, so won't be able to log in for a while. No matter though, the winner's circle while a great honor is not why I am here. I will do my best to stay on track and post when I can.

    Good to see some old faces, and some new. As always thanks to Rick for doing this.

    Hope y'all have a great September!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,400 Member

    Hi all! Welcome to the September UAC, returnees and newcomers.
    And a thousand thanks to our leader, @RangerRickL for helping us stay accountable.

    I’m Terri from Northern Ireland. Back for my 23rd month. Working on improving my fitness and health. Made the Winners Circle 22 times so far.

    UAC is a good place for anyone to start the practicing of new habits, in a supportive and encouraging atmosphere. Through being a member, I have achieved my lowest weight in 4 decades, and have maintained it since late 2019.

    Just a few details on my personal journey to health and fitness.

    Aim for 2020 ~ maintain at around 150 (I may even manage to drop a little more! 😂

    I am FOCUSED on heathy food choices and
    DETERMINED to achieve my goals!

    Age: 74; Height 5’2”; Female
    SW: 227lbs (Mar 2014)
    LW: 147.2 (4 April 2020)
    UGW: 145 (this may change when I get there 😂 )
    CW: 149.8
    • For the last 3 years I have tended to bounce up and down between 160 - 170. Occasionally I bounced up/down a little more.
    • My ideal situation is to maintain < 150
    • I use CI/CO and a variety exercise for extra calories.
    • Logic would suggest that I have found a natural comfortable weight, and, according to modern BMI calculation, I am in the upper range of normal for my age and height. However, logic doesn't always dictate our desires and feelings. 😂
    1. Getting and staying healthy and fit requires the development of a permanent lifestyle reset.
    2. Replacing unhelpful habits with more useful ones is key to to the process.
    3. Losing weight is only one of the elements.
    4. Eating healthy and staying actively is not OPTIONAL, but an ABSOLUTE ESSENTIAL.
    THERE ARE NO QUICK FIXES OR SHORTCUTS to achieving permanent change.

    REMINDERS One or two thoughts on weight which might give heart to some of you.
    • Daily weight fluctuations are normal, and can be several lbs a day for no apparent reason.
    • A general downward trend is what we are looking for.
    • Eating out can cause apparent weight gain because of high sodium levels, but usually goes quickly. Drinking extra water helps with this.
    • The human body does not react instantly to what we do to it. Sometimes it can take several days to see results.
    • Plateaus are a normal part of the process. The body is consolidating and adapting to your new way of eating/exercising.
    • The closer you get to your goal weight, the more difficult it becomes to lose weight, as your body becomes more efficient at using what you feed it.
    • When you exercise you build muscle, which takes up less space than fat, so use measurements as well as weight to assess your progress.
    • Getting/Staying fit and healthy requires a permanent lifestyle change for most people.
    Stick with the process. It DOES work! But it does take time, effort, and most of all, patience!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hi! I'm Lisa, 54, married 28 years with two grown sons. We have a family farm supply business that I work very part time at, filing invoices and stuffing statements. We live in southwestern Ontario, Canada, in a town of 16,000 people (not too big and not too small).

    I totally flamed out early in August, but I missed everyone, so I am going to give it another try!! I did great in April and May and had weight loss to show for it. I didn't go so well in June and July and my weight loss stalled (after going up 5 pounds first). I have never been one to record all my food/calories on those days when I have thrown in the towel, so I am going to consciously try to do that. It probably won't stop the behaviour altogether, but it will hopefully slow it down! I have 40 pounds to lose, so I need to stop messing around and get serious again!
  • supercpa999
    supercpa999 Posts: 403 Member
    Hi I’m Scott
    I am over 50 and just a couple weeks ago weighed in at 329 feeling horrible. Generally I was in pretty good shape my whole life except for the last several years. 2.5 years ago I had lost 90 lbs and gotten all the way down to 209.

    I got away from that and now I’m back. I recently relocated to Florida which provides a much healthier lifestyle. My goal is to get to well under 200 lbs this time and keep it off. I am focusing much more on cardio and yoga and less so on weight training.

    Glad to be aboard.
  • dsgoingtodoit
    dsgoingtodoit Posts: 803 Member
    Howdy from Texas/USA! I'm Donna a 49 yr old Mom to two sons/one going to college - living at home, and one 14 yr old that I homeschool. I have lost 20 lbs this year...on about day 223. this is very slow loss I realize...but I was told my liver is a bit fatty...(non-alcoholic) so I'm supposed to lose it slow. However, I DO HAVE PERMISSION TO LOSE A LB A WEEK BODY...SO LET'S PICK IT UP PLEASE! LOL Anyway, I am blessed to be without serious health issues yet...but if I don't lose this weight and live a healthier lifestyle it is just a matter of time. I really like (and appreciate) UAC challenges. I think I'm on month 4 or 5. I've made the winner's circle...twice...I think. Anyway - I never stop reaching for the goals this has taught me... track it all, exercise 20 mins, stay under calorie goal...even if I'm not making the WC. I am striving for 20 more lbs by day 365. (more would be fine with me) I hate yoga...but am going to try to add that in. I'm going to be working on planks and pushups this month. I also think I'm ready to risk the gym again for weights and machines. I added walking a few days a week this past month...and I know that will be continued. Just trying kayaking and loved it. Let's do this UAC members!
  • dsgoingtodoit
    dsgoingtodoit Posts: 803 Member
    Oh - I also dial in with an instructor for zoom classes.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hi I’m Scott
    I am over 50 and just a couple weeks ago weighed in at 329 feeling horrible. Generally I was in pretty good shape my whole life except for the last several years. 2.5 years ago I had lost 90 lbs and gotten all the way down to 209.

    I got away from that and now I’m back. I recently relocated to Florida which provides a much healthier lifestyle. My goal is to get to well under 200 lbs this time and keep it off. I am focusing much more on cardio and yoga and less so on weight training.

    Glad to be aboard.

    Hi Scott. Fellow Floridian here. Where are you located? I'm a little south of Boca Raton.
  • supercpa999
    supercpa999 Posts: 403 Member
    Hi Suzi - I’m in Clearwater
  • heidipatterson100
    heidipatterson100 Posts: 54 Member
    Howdy from Texas/USA! I'm Donna a 49 yr old Mom to two sons/one going to college - living at home, and one 14 yr old that I homeschool. I have lost 20 lbs this year...on about day 223. this is very slow loss I realize...but I was told my liver is a bit fatty...(non-alcoholic) so I'm supposed to lose it slow. However, I DO HAVE PERMISSION TO LOSE A LB A WEEK BODY...SO LET'S PICK IT UP PLEASE! LOL Anyway, I am blessed to be without serious health issues yet...but if I don't lose this weight and live a healthier lifestyle it is just a matter of time. I really like (and appreciate) UAC challenges. I think I'm on month 4 or 5. I've made the winner's circle...twice...I think. Anyway - I never stop reaching for the goals this has taught me... track it all, exercise 20 mins, stay under calorie goal...even if I'm not making the WC. I am striving for 20 more lbs by day 365. (more would be fine with me) I hate yoga...but am going to try to add that in. I'm going to be working on planks and pushups this month. I also think I'm ready to risk the gym again for weights and machines. I added walking a few days a week this past month...and I know that will be continued. Just trying kayaking and loved it. Let's do this UAC members!

    Hi Donna! I am also from Texas, near Dallas. I am 45, have 3 sons. 1 in college, and I homeschool the other 2. My husband has the same fatty liver issue as you...and I do yoga. So, we have a LOT in common. Glad you are here!!!
  • kayren516
    kayren516 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey guys! I’m Kay and very excited to start this journey. I’m coming back from a fractured ankle and quarantine snacking. I love to go for runs with my dog around Brooklyn. Most recently I took of biking to and from work and that’s a great way to stay active. I want to try and loose 40 pounds and hopefully keep it off!!
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Scott - You're on the "west" coast as we like to say here in Florida. :smile: I am on the east coast about 20 miles north of Fort Lauderdale.
    Love Clearwater. It has been some time since I visited the area, but always found it peaceful.
  • supercpa999
    supercpa999 Posts: 403 Member
    Suzi - I love watching the sunsets and the beaches here are truly amazing.
  • molly3210
    molly3210 Posts: 804 Member
    Happily rejoining UAC for September. In August I didn't meet my goal of weight loss, however I'm seeing clear visual changes in muscle definition and clothes are fitting SO much better!

    Progress is progress, no matter how slow. Still I'm looking forward to seeing more changes in the scale this month! Striving to make the winners circle keeps me focused daily on the big picture when I'm tempted to skip a workout or eat beyond my calorie limit.
  • cjane917
    cjane917 Posts: 688 Member
    Hello! I'm a teacher living in DC. I enjoy long walks and cooking (I used to enjoy travel, scuba diving, and parkour but that's on hold for a bit).
    I'm back in the UAC for month 14! I started with the group last August as I was finishing up the last of my weight loss and just hit maintenance two days ago! I'm excited to see how maintenance feels and how the habits that I've learned with the UAC will help me with them.