Where can I get my 'stressed mummy' sugar rush?

My little chap has quite bad eczema from his head to the soles of his feet so is itchy and grumpy a lot. When he has a bad day (two hours of trying to stop him itching while he screams and cries) the minute he goes down for a nap I would usually reach for the chocolate and biscuits!

What on earth do I eat now? Anything that's not too bad for me that will deliver a nice sugar boost?

Any ideas?


  • freeandfitlyon
    This is a tough one. I too, am trying to reduce my sugar intake after baby. I used to have snacks that were too sweet.
    I would recommend the following options:

    Dark chocolate, 70 % or higher. 2 squares, that's it.
    apple sauce that I make myself (or other kind)
    a big glass of juice diluted in lots of water
    a tsp of honey in yogurt
    rice cakes with a tiny tiny bit of jam
    a smoothie

    It is possible to reprogram your body so you don't have those cravings for sweet things. It's tough but it works. Remove all processed sugar and really reduce your sugar intake ( even natural sugar). Our bodies have memory and soon, yours will forget about sugar. I am trying to do just that. It's tough but the good part is that it does get easier
  • tallulahalice
    tallulahalice Posts: 19 Member
    How about a fruit smoothie with protein powder? Some protein powders taste amazing but with very little carbs/sugar. Plus I think that adding the protein to the fruit lowers the GI level/insulin spike.

    If I'm out and about and trying to be good I take a mix of dried dates and natural almonds in my handbag, or a protein bar.