Struggling with the long haul

Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member
I knew the journey to lose half my body weight was not going to be an easy one, but 7 months in, I hit a wall. I am having so much trouble balance work, family, and gym. I'm making bad food choices. Not horrible ones. Not like I used to eat. But still not good choices.

How do you stay motivated for the long haul?


  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    I guess I just do. It's really not easy, and for me the one thing I always do is stay within calories. That's second nature to me now, but I remember it really got hard at around the 7 - 8 month point for me too. It wasn't long after that that I went off track (we moved from New Zealand to Australia at that time too, a combination of factors). It took gaining some back and 7 months of not tracking for me to get motivated again. I don't recommend that!

    Just do the best that you can. Recognise that you're wandering off course a bit and do everything you can to get yourself back on track. I think the weight gain I had hit home when my smaller jeans were getting very tight. No way was I buying a larger size again! Don't let yourself get into the habit of sliding, with both food and exercise, it becomes much harder to get back on track again. And you've done fantastic so far!! Remember why you started. For me, I refuse to buy bigger clothes again, and I refuse to go back to being so very overweight - no energy, out of breath climbing stairs, barely able to tie my own shoelaces. It's not me any more. And now I think about it, I think it's getting further away from the way I used to be that keeps me moving forward. I've lost 92lbs so far, and I have 87 to go. I can't imagine how good I'll feel at 160lbs, but I'm going to find out!
  • apittmanrn
    apittmanrn Posts: 200 Member
    Meee too....
  • jacalennejax
    jacalennejax Posts: 97 Member
    Wow. I think we hit the same wall. 7 months in and it's like I have no idea what the hell i am doing.

    I cant stop eating the stuff i know i shouldnt.
  • ireallylikemuffins
    ireallylikemuffins Posts: 72 Member
    Me, too! I have been struggling with the same 5 lbs for the last 2 months. :-/ I know it's because of poor decisions I made, though.
    I really need to get more exercise in. I feel like I'll lose a lot faster than just by counting calories.

    To motivate myself, I look at my reflection in the mirror every day. Staring myself down seems to keep motivating me.
  • rlv2
    rlv2 Posts: 21 Member
    I was doing so GREAT not eating Carbs... Very limited... like fruit and veggies.. nuts.. and I took off over 50 pds.... ran 3 5k's now I cant seem to get back on track... I dont want to gain back what I have lost and I would still like to take off 27 pds.. any suggestions to get me back on track from you all who have done this for the long haul.... ps... I am still running 3.1 miles 3-4 times a week so that is a plus..
  • recee27
    recee27 Posts: 34
    I was doing really great the first four and a half months of this year. Then my brother commited suicide and everything went to crap! I did keep doing Zumba and I am still doing it. I've just gotten back into some bad habits. Like drinking diet soda, eating junk I KNOW will not aid in my weightloss and not logging. I recently got into Herbalife. I'm only doing the meal replacements for breakfast. Simply because that is the hardest meal for me to eat. I used to just skip it. Anyway.....I am slowly getting back to where I was at the beginning of the year. I haven't gained any weight. I have kept off all of the weight I lost. I have even lost a few pounds, but I know I could be a lot farther along if I had gotten back on track sooner! Back to logging and eating healthy. Drinking water and getting off of diet soda. You all can do it. It will be so worth the effort!! Keep up the great work!!
  • rlv2
    rlv2 Posts: 21 Member
    So sorry to hear about your brother... my thoughts and prayers are with you...Thanks for the encouragment...
  • deprek
    deprek Posts: 101 Member
    Reecee27: Wow, struggling with a loss and not gaining is a NSV for sure! I wish you luck as you get back on track.

    Rlv2: At least you are keeping up with the running. That is a huge plus. I think to help with the long haul just make little changes each day, focus each week on something different like getting in your water or maybe eating a healthy breakfast. You don't have to be perfect everyday.
  • Wilmingtonbelle
    Wilmingtonbelle Posts: 255 Member
    Thanks for posting!

    I'm restarting my journey again after losing 60# and at the 7 month mark, apparently losing my mind because I gained it back :grumble:

    I know I have to hold myself accountable and keep things interesting. I just started C25K, nothing more exciting than that!!!

    Good luck on your journey, I know you can do it!!!

    See you at the finish line!

    Slainte! :drinker:
  • beckimj
    beckimj Posts: 186 Member
    I waited until about month 9 to have my meltdown. It certainly isn't easy, but you can do this. You have it in you :)
  • emilym820
    emilym820 Posts: 992 Member
    What has helped me the most is getting up extra early and kicking my own butt at the gym. If I have lost sleep and sweat my buns off first thing, it helps me make much better choices. I end up remembering how hard I worked and decide that whatever I'm tempted by is just not worth undoing the work I've already put in. It's all a mental game for me.

    Another key has been to make my diary viewable by my friends. I have a few great friends who check in on my diary everyday and have no problem holding me accountable. They have no problem saying, "really Emily..Ice cream for dinner?!?" Sometimes just knowing that someone is going to be looking it over helps me make the better choice.