40 days down!

3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
edited December 2020 in Social Groups
Happy Tuesday!

I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to feel pretty good about the weight-loss/fitness path I'm on. The weight is slow to come off, but the small changes I'm making seem pretty sustainable. I can almost picture myself living at my goal weight for life, almost like I'm actually making lifestyle changes :)

As someone whose weight has fluctuated so much over the years, I have a few sets of "fat clothes" that I rotate through depending on my size at the time. In each set, I have nicer clothes that I always save for special occasions and haven't worn much, if at all. For me, they're mostly really nice riding clothes and pieces that are "fancier" than athletic wear :D Because I truly believe that this will be my last time at this weight and above, I am starting to wear the fancier stuff now! Why not?! I spent some time in my closet yesterday organizing by size. Anything that fits now is going to be worn now. I'm not saving any of it once it doesn't fit anymore. As soon as I can fit into the next size down, I'll get rid of this "fat" wardrobe. Anything that still has tags, will be sold to earn money for my skinny wardrobe! I'm ready to get rid of all of my life's tired, old baggage and it's time for the weight and any reminders of it to go!

Is getting rid of your "fat clothes" a good choice for you? https://planahealthylife.com/blog/should-i-throw-away-my-fat-clothes

I'm really excited about 2020 being almost over. New Year's is a great time to start fresh. For the first time in a long time, I feel excited and hopeful for the future. 2021 is my year to let go of anything holding me down. 2021 will be the year of lightness for me, in all aspects of life <3
(sorry, that got a little cheesy there. LOL)

Anyone else really gearing up for the new year?

Today: hopefully it won't be as windy so I can ride in my fancy riding clothes. I'll wear my best running clothes to get in 2 miles and do the BWEC. If I have time, I'm going to rearrange some kitchen cupboards to make room for some healthier foods. I'll drink lots of water and track every calorie.

Have a great day!



  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Getting rid of stuff unused in the house was never a big issue, with a couple ridiculous clothes exceptions ( one pair of jeans since before the teenager, comes to mind). The rest of my family would not throw anything, so I have to do raids and give them bins to fill, or threaten that I’ll fill them myself 😄. It works every time.

    The other type of “clutter”- Telling people no, or delegating when I’m absolutely crushed, is nowhere as good.

    I absolutely love that you’re wearing the “saved” clothes , now while they still fit.
    Good day today after very little sleep last night .

    Countdown to Christmas has begun!
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    I ended up doing really well on calories yesterday. Today was my first day with zero work, so I decided to celebrate and take it easy. I biked to the store this morning, but no walk or BWEC today. Going a little over my calorie goal tonight but won't go over my TDEE 🦋

    I did however make my Xmas tree today 🌲 we made it out of driftwood & shells found on the beach

    Also just remembered the magic of rice paper summer rolls in the air fryer! 😻 Mmmm~

    I don't really have any clothes that are too big on me yet. My clothes are fitting so much more comfortably tho 🌈🌈

    Hope everyone has a great holiday ❤️💚✨ enjoy it!! ✨✨
  • sharonarkoff
    sharonarkoff Posts: 57 Member
    I feel like alot of things that I used to look forward to as treats don't taste as good anymore. KFC and the avocado turkey BLT from Panera come to mind. I was so looking forward to each of these things, and threw both of them out after a few bites. They just didn't taste worth it. (I do not have COVID.... get tested every week for work.) Same for chocolate. Ice cream is holding its own, though. :-) I just wish I had the willpower to remember, before I bought something/ate half or more of it, that some things just don't taste worth it, once you've been away from them for awhile.
  • 3greyhorses
    3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
    @sharonarkoff I'm surprised at how much I'm starting to crave fruit! I'm currently obsessed with apples. I never thought much about them until a few weeks ago. Now I can't go a day without them! We're doing it! We're making the changes needed for success :)