42 days down! 6 weeks!

3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
Good morning y'all!

We're at our 6-week mark already. Thank you for sticking with me. You have no idea how much I appreciate your participation and how much I look forward to hearing how everyone is doing. It's great to know I'm not alone on this journey!

My hubs is home for the next several days. Him being home is always an extra challenge. I love him dearly, but damn it, he's an enabler! Doesn't he want a hot, fit wife?! :p

BUT, I've got my sights set on New Year's Day. I really want to weigh-in at 165 on 1/1/21. (CW: 166.5).
My back is really sore and it's really freakin' cold and windy so I might not get my rides or runs in. It's all about watching ALL of the calories. I'm going to the store this morning to get lots of fruits and veggies to snack on so I'll be too full to eat too much of whatever delish things my hubby will be making. I'm going to fill my 64 oz water bottle and make sure it's empty at the end of the day. I WILL reach my NY goal B)

Have a great day everyone!


  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Today and tomorrow are not restriction days, for sure.
    These are times for joy, and times to
    enjoy the people in our lives.

    Happy cooking everyone!
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    Buenos días amigas ✨🌞 feliz navidad!! 🌲❤️💚⭐

    Happy holidays whatever that means to you -- whatever holiday you might be celebrating & however calorie-strictly you choose to enjoy it!! 🌈🌈

    Jamey and I decided to get in some house cleaning yesterday when I finished teaching, and we walked to town a little too late to present shop, so it just turned into a grocery trip. Ended up walking home on the beach with a 40 lb backpack mostly full of veggies. Then once I got home i had to go fill a couple 5 gallon jugs at the neighbor's. Had to walk at least 200 meters down a hill then across the road then up an incline then up my 15 steps with each jug. After that we played monkey ball in the pool and cooled off so I decided to count all that walking and carrying as my workout. So I didn't do my BWEC again. I'll jump back on it today. I'll get it done before we leave for our Xmas present walk round 2 this morning.

    Goals for today: BWEC, walk to town, buy presents, enjoy the day 💚💚

    Calorie goals for the next two days are to try and stay under my TDEE. ✨💫✨
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,258 Member
    Happy Holidays Everyone!

    Can't believe it is 6 weeks already. We are all making great progress!
    The next two days are a time to enjoy but I am going to watch what I eat.
    Going out now to get a walk in. Thanks for all the support!
    Happy Holidays!
  • sharonarkoff
    sharonarkoff Posts: 57 Member
    Wishing everyone a warm and joyous holiday season! It's suddenly unseasonably warm in Massachusetts, so it will be good to get out for a walk before we get another major storm tomorrow --- wind and rain, on top of the heavy snow of a few days ago. Maybe the road to the supermarket will flood! :-)
  • taxgirl1
    taxgirl1 Posts: 1,287 Member
    I have the day off today, so my plan for today is to go to for a long walk today and do some cleaning around the house. Other than that, just going to relax and enjoy the day off.

    Have a great day!
  • 3greyhorses
    3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
    Too cold to run, but did Day 7 of BWEC and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgPICTHJ_Ug
    Should be under calories.