Boxing Day Cup of Joe 12/26/2020

raineray Posts: 2,196 Member
Pour yourself a mug of your favorite morning brew. Pull up a chair and join us for our morning roll call here on the BBB.
"Nothing will work unless you do." Maya Angelou


  • raineray
    raineray Posts: 2,196 Member
    Good Morning BBB
    Wonderful Christmas with a few friends and a new Traeger smoker/grill.
    Lobster spread and dill dip to start with veggies & crackers, Prime rib roast, popovers (AKA Yorkshire pudding), au gratin potatoes, roasted green beans with bacon, and gingered pear pie.
    Do good out there everyone.
  • mcee1
    mcee1 Posts: 3,603 Member
    Merry Christmas BBB!

    Thought I posted to you all such yesterday?

    Proposal went good, everyone's Happy! No idea on a date, see where covid end and the vaccine progress is...

    Santa was generous and we all ate too much too but had a nice couple days. One more visit tonite with nephew, his dw and baby, then done.

    Nice outfit Clark, I mean Skip!

    Lisa's photos on fb show shes had a wonderful full house of Babies and visits with Babies!

    Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas day.

  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,032 Member

    Had a quiet but spectacular Christmas - even slept in today :smiley:

    Congrats that the proposal went off!

    FINALLY got me COVID results yesterday! (neg of course/thankfully). Whats up w/ DH and his COVID work mess in IN?

    Miss Miss Lisa!

    Today is DMIL birthday. Despite 12# extra pounds of ham in fridge - demands we go out for Prime Rib! Good grief.


  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,695 Member
    Mornin ' BBB.

    Sending DS#2 home with duck and prime rib and other goodies. Get it out of the house! He is really thin from the stress of clerking for a judge and worrying about his bar exam. He can afford to eat it all.

    Going hunting with the girls in a while. DW driving DS#2 to Manhatten where he'll grab a subway to Brooklyn. Cost us $300 to Uber him home yesterday am. Well worth it though.

    BBB OP ;-)
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,959 Member
    Good morning BBB.

    We had a great Christmas, too. Kids loved their gifts, supper was tasty - and I didn't over indulge - and we talked well into the evening. I love talking to my DDIL. She is so smart, and so well informed, I always learn something or get a new perspective.

    Cleaning up the kitchen this morning, then I have another project on my lathe.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,660 Member
    Merry Christmas,
    DW has brought boxes up from storage and ready to start taking all decorations down, she would have started yesterday if I had not said anything.
    I'm cooking chicken and dumplings for tonight, mainly because chicken needs to be cooked and do not want to go out where so many families are from out of area.
    Tomorrow we will have leftovers from Christmas Eve.
    Congrats Mary,
    Urn is beautiful Dave but not ready for one, and having someone sitting on mantle is a little creepy.
    DDIL is better must not have been COVID, could have been not wanting to be with her in-laws
    Happy birthday to Skips DMIL, totally understand how she controls
  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,593 Member
    Good morning BBB Friends.
    • Quiet but nice Christmas day. A wonderful meal, A Wonderful Life, James Bond and a Saints football game.
    • It's been really cold here. Should start warming a bit tomorrow.
    • Congrats to the newly betrothed.
    • Congrats on passing your test Skip. Now get DMIL some prime rib for her birthday.
  • louisstone
    louisstone Posts: 2,563 Member
    Good morning, folks.
  • kgmoody
    kgmoody Posts: 3,149 Member
    Good afternoon

    Not much to report. Ds and his gf are back in Wisconsin. Dh and his sleep is totally screwed up. He’s back at work now until 5 am. I did sleep in this am too.

    Our house is a mess and I’m sitting on my butt watching hallmark movies. Ha.
    I’ll clean up tomorrow.

    Have a great evening.
  • steplinn398
    steplinn398 Posts: 2,906 Member
    Hi all

    We had a quiet day too. Today we drive to Williamsburg and drive around then went to a coffee roaster/kombucha brewery for a tasting.

    Doggies were super excited we are home.

    Congrats on your official new DDIL Mary.
  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,593 Member
    Well she's not official yet Steph. She's a DDIL2B.