52 days down!

3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
Still no power and just sketchy internet. Ugh!!
Today’s plan is to stay under calories. Even though I don’t have power doesn’t mean I can just eat crap like I did yesterday 😳 I won’t run though. I don’t want to get sweaty because we don’t have water for showers. I might ride though. Or I might just start the year over once we get power! They said we should get it by 11:45 tonight. Happy 2021??
Hope you’re all doing well and staying strong 💪!


  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    Aw shxxt @3greyhorses 😤😤😬 girl that blows!!! It's almost like you're down here instead of up in the first world 🤣 my power was out for a couple of hours last night (no fan, plenty of mosquitoes) and i had to cancel my last two classes 🙃 i have a backup battery for my wifi so I still did 1 class in the dark but then my laptop was dying... Ah well......

    Sucks in the cold tho!!! The last house i rented also had a dumb water system that needed a pump from the well so whenever the power went out (or the pump took its monthly vacation), no water 😬

    My first house we rented in Costa Rica had no electricity the last MONTH we were there because the neighbors got fired as property manager and had family at the electric office. We left that house and moved across the country... The next house we were planning on renting... Showed up and the only power was an extension cord from the neighbor's 🤣🤣 yeah we were out of there fast.....

    And when hurricane Nate hit a few yrs ago the power on my island was out for 2 weeks.. 🙃

    They say that if you have power, water, and internet all at the same time in Nicaragua that you are blessed 🙏🤣

    I know that doesn't magically make your power come back but I hope you feel less alone haha. Anyway I empathize girl, sorry for that shxxt!!!! 💚💚

    Don't just sit at home restricting... I think whenever you take one happy away you should try and replace it with another positive 🌈 maybe you can compromise and replace half of it with food and the other half with some other dopamine booster... Board games? Szx? Do some totally random art project?

    Anyway if you decide to start 2021 on Monday i don't think any of us will judge you for it 💜🧡💛💚😉
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    I had a great day yesterday. Not drinking is going to give me an average of say 25% more calories to eat every day . I didn't even know what to do with them yesterday. I ordered a pizza and just stopped eating when I was satisfied haha

    Today is a lady Sunday. Going to sporadically nap and catch up on sleep.

    Goals: under on cals, bike ride (gotta throw that in there 😉 will i actually succeed?? Vamos a ver), sunset walk, BWEC day 13, good niggt
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    And good night's sleep 😁✨💜

    Enjoy the last bit of weekend everyone 🌈🌈✨
  • Katebook309yahoocom940
    Did decent yesterday. Didn't drink enough water but did good on my fruits and vegetables.
    Goals for today:
    - drink 32oz of water
    - stay under calories
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Today we are driving back home and will evaluate the damage on scale tomorrow morning. We had fun, way too much food and finally got my fill on card games 😁
    No power in the best of times is not a fun, but in plain winter, is horrible- sorry @3greyhorses
  • sharonarkoff
    sharonarkoff Posts: 57 Member
    Goals are to stay under calories, not get pulled off track by work-related emotions lurking for tomorrow. :smile:
  • healthygirlintransit
    Today was a decent day. Stayed under calories but not very active. It rained all day Friday and later that night I was walking my dog my leg gave out I slipped and slided in some mud. Think I pulled a muscle in my thigh and my knee hurts. But tomorrow is another day and if it still hurts I'll do some upper body chair workouts. This year I'm trying not to let obstacles get the better of me. Hope everyone has restful night.