


  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    @Beautyofdreams 🥺 Oh my to all of this! Your life has been a lot. What resilience you have. It'll be great getting to know you as a UACer.

    Welcome aboard to you and everyone else who has made an introduction for February 🤗
  • abp1025
    abp1025 Posts: 195 Member
    February is going to be my second month doing UAC. The accountability aspect of this where I need to log my foods and at the end of the day (literally), say that I did and stayed under a certain amount of calories did it for me. I live in Pennsylvania and hate to do anything outside in the cold let alone exercise. I have be doing a lot of walking around my house and recently got an elliptical. I lost 10 lbs in January and need to lose another 15. I know this is not a sprint, but hoping that I can be down to my goal wait before summer. Regardless, I am really happy with my start! Thanks for putting this challenge together!
  • KatharinaWoelk
    KatharinaWoelk Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Kathy and start new in February with UAC.
    I'm curious how it will be and how this group is. It sure does seem like a lot of fun and gets probably lots of support.

    Anyways, I'm 22 years old and need to loose about 30 to 40kg to be at a healthy weight.
    My only consistent way to get in my step goal on fitbit (which is connected to mfp) is going to work. As I'm currently on vacation and still have a week to go I rarely hit anything near 3k or 4k of steps.
    I try to cook more fresh instead of having take out and the sorts.

    I hope I can use this group as motivation and to stay consistent.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,369 Member
    edited January 2021
    Hi folks. Back in for February. Welcome to our returnees and newcomers,
    and a thousand thanks to our leader, @RangerRickL for helping us stay accountable.

    I’m Terri from Northern Ireland. Back for my 28th month. Still working on improving my fitness and health. Made the Winners Circle 27 times so far.

    UAC is a good place for anyone to start the practicing of new habits, in a supportive and encouraging atmosphere. Through being a member, I have achieved my lowest weight in 4 decades, and have maintained it since late 2019.

    Just a few details on my personal journey to health and fitness.

    Aim for 2021 ~ maintain around 145 (I may even manage to drop a little more! 😂

    I am FOCUSED on heathy food choices and
    DETERMINED to achieve my goals!

    Age: 74; Height 5’2”; Female
    SW: 227lbs (Mar 2014)
    LW: 143.2: (Jan 2021)
    UGW: 140 (this may change when I get there 😂 )
    CW: 144.6
    • Initially, dropped down to around 165, and stayed about there until late 2018.
    • Set new goal in 2019 to drop to 155.
    • Reset it to 150 in March 2020
    • reset it to 145 in September 2020
    • My ideal situation is to maintain < 150
    • I use CI/CO and a variety exercise for extra calories.
    • Logic would suggest that I have found a natural comfortable weight, and, according to Smart BMI calculation, I am in the upper range of normal for my age and height. However, logic doesn't always dictate our desires and feelings. 😂
    1. Getting and staying healthy and fit requires the development of a permanent lifestyle reset.
    2. Replacing unhelpful habits with more useful ones is key to to the process.
    3. Losing weight is only one of the elements.
    4. Eating healthy and staying actively is not OPTIONAL, but an ABSOLUTE ESSENTIAL.
    THERE ARE NO QUICK FIXES OR SHORTCUTS to achieving permanent change.

    REMINDERS One or two thoughts on weight which might give heart to some of you.
    • Daily weight fluctuations are normal, and can be several lbs a day for no apparent reason.
    • A general downward trend is what we are looking for.
    • Eating out can cause apparent weight gain because of high sodium levels, but usually goes quickly. Drinking extra water helps with this.
    • The human body does not react instantly to what we do to it. Sometimes it can take several days to see results.
    • Plateaus are a normal part of the process. The body is consolidating and adapting to your new way of eating/exercising.
    • The closer you get to your goal weight, the more difficult it becomes to lose weight, as your body becomes more efficient at using what you feed it.
    • When you exercise you build muscle, which takes up less space than fat, so use measurements as well as weight to assess your progress.
    • Getting/Staying fit and healthy requires a permanent lifestyle change for most people.
    Stick with the process. It DOES work! But it does take time, effort, and most of all, patience!
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,897 Member
    4th month here/ Welcome back everyone and welcome to new folks!

    I am from Austin Tx US and a runner. In maintenance since Oct 2017 and really this is a nice daily place to keep myself accountable. I am not looking to lose weight but just continue to gain fitness and energy and be as healthy as a lady in her 60's (HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?!!!!) can be.

    For 2021 I hope to actually at some point get back in to the office without masks as I have been remote since mid March 2020 and altho it's got a lot of benefits I really do miss seeing my co workers face to face and walking the halls with my best bud on breaks. I also joined the Run the Edge challenge for 2021 for the first time and I think that is also going to be a lot of fun with the teams and other challenges. I am not really able to run that many miles but I do think I can run/walk them. And I am SURE my team(s) will hit the goals. Jan 31 update all of a sudden my team has enough miles to probably finish in FEB!!! And me? I have decided that I actually probably CAN run all the miles needed. LOL. So one thing to keep in mind during losing or maintenance or life - goals change - and that is normal. It's why we have pass days here! Because man plans and God laughs.

    The best thing about this group is it accepts that NO ONE is perfect and the path to success does NOT require it. Over my many yo yo years I did actually learn that trying to be perfect and strict always led to failure. (hard to believe this hard headed Texan learned something!)

    If you read my posts you will see that I have a horse who has been my best friend for almost 27 years. He turns 29 next year and is truly an amazing Grand Prix dressage partner. But now we both are a little bit less competitive and altho he still can be a kite, he is really the sweetest and most talented and athletic partner I have ever been blessed with.

    Hope to see everyone on the Jan thread.

  • oh_jackie
    oh_jackie Posts: 429 Member
    @RangerRickL Thank you for hosting the group!

    This will be my second month of the UAC.

    Going for a vegan diet, no added sugar and 7.5 h of sleep per night this month.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Hi everyone, I lost my mojo last month (first attempt at UAC) but I’m back to try again!
    I know I can do it... I just find *everything* harder to do right now with lockdowns, working in a hospital, short days, winter cold... ugh. So grateful for the motivation and support of a group like UAC to help keep me accountable and moving forward! Thanks again to @RangerRickL for hosting the most helpful group on MFP :)
  • lesdarts180
    lesdarts180 Posts: 2,802 Member
    Hi, I’m Lesley, living in Somerset UK.

    This is my second month in UAC – found the group very supportive and inspiring.
    I’m a little old lady (155 cm. 70 years old) and retired.
    I started logging in MFP in July 2019 and lost 22.5 kg (about 50 lbs) over 9 months, have been maintaining since April 2019.
    Even now that I’m maintaining I still have to be very careful with food, as a little old lady my BMR is under 1000, and even ticking “moderately active” only earns me about 1400 calories a day. I do a lot of exercise to keep fit and earn a little more food and treats. I still log my food every day as it is still a struggle to keep to the limits. So the three rules keep me on the straight and narrow!
    Being retired means I have plenty of time for a variety of exercise - cycling, walking, YouTube workouts. I haven't been back to the gym or the swimming pool since they closed last April.

    Thanks to @RangerRickL for the group.
  • snowshoe072
    snowshoe072 Posts: 4,711 Member
    Hello all back for another month I have lost track of how many months I have been in the UAC but I really like the accountability and it keeps me focused. I hope to be able to get closer to my goal weight this month as my goal date of March is fast approaching.
  • whathapnd
    whathapnd Posts: 1,243 Member
    Hi All. I've seen this challenge pop up a few times and have been intrigued, so I'm going to give it a go this month. I'm not super chatty, but I'll be rooting silently for all of you!

    I'm a 55-year-old female who needs to lose 25 pounds for normal BMI but would like to lose an additional 10. I've done it before, and I know slow and steady monitoring CICO is the way to go. Nothing magical required.

    Good luck to all!

  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,074 Member
    I am new here but have had most of my success in the past when I am accountible to others. I used a different site in the past and had daily check ins like this and it was so so so helpful. I want to be 20 pounds down by my birthday in late June....Covid feels like it has shrink-wrapped by clothes (as in: effort to get them on my body!!!) and the impact of late night eating and stress eating has taken its toll. For the most part, I eat and exercise and am right on track...until evening....I am thinking I am going to use this at that time of day to check in and remain accountible into evening hours, where I downfall. Anyone relate? Glad to be here.

    @neshama2020 Welcome and yes night time eating and stress eating is also my downfall, so i can totally relate!! Please feel free to join last month's challange and check out the "what's on ur mind" section. I received some great advice from our kind uac members regarding this which i will use to get my through feb and hopfully kick these destructive habits once and for all. Hopefully it helps u too. Feel free to reach out wen ur having a bad day and i will also do the same if need be. Good luck and just know ur not alone!
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,074 Member
    Hi. I was a non starter last month but will pick up the challenge this month.
    I started my fitness journey on March 8, 2020. Since then I have lost 68.4 lbs with 20 pounds left to reach ideal weight for my height.
    I am a 57 y.o., 5'7" female kidney/ pancreas recipient. I was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 26 and told that I was a type 2 diabetic. No test was run to confirm that I was. During the 15 years after, I developed nerve damage in my hands, legs, and stomach and intestines. I had 11 prp in one eye and 13 prp in the other eye along with 2 detached retina surgeries in both eyes. I lost my right eye when the optic nerve died and was told that I would be blind by 2006. I have had 3 low blood sugar episodes below 23 with one resulting in a 3 day coma where my family was told to plan my funeral. I lost my kidney function in 2005 but was working so couldn't get on disability until I was terminated with 6 months of cobra. Went on dialysis for 3 years in 2006 until received my transplants in 2009. Developed a MRSA infection in the incision which resulted in 7 procedures to remove the infected tissue. In 2010, developed adhesions(scar tissue) which strangled my small intestine. Had surgery to remove 15 inches of intestine, my appendix, an ovary and the scar tissue. Was told by a doctor that I was probably a type 2 diabetic and would burn out the transplants. When checked, was found to be a type 1 diabetic!
    After the transplants, I lost 93 pounds by eating a 1300-1400 calorie diet, walking and weight training 6 days a week. Kept it off until I met my long time boyfriend in 2011, who weighed over 300 pounds. He developed covid in November 2020 and died of covid related complications in December 2020.
    I am still here and grateful for each day. Am looking forward to the future and getting to know all of you better.

    @Beautyofdreams ur a tough cookie, im so sorry for the loss of ur partner. Love ur strength and positivity. All the best and Welcome!!!
  • karenesg
    karenesg Posts: 318 Member
    One pound down from one week ago. Yay I did somethings right. Not everything but it’s not all or nothing... It’s doing the best I can.

    New month, new start. This is my 3rd attempt at UAC. It’s such a simple challenge but not an easy one for me. Going to amp up the focus this month and report in every day even if I've used up my pass days. I’ve lost 22 pounds since starting MFP (was at 28 pounds a year ago) so I know it works. Good luck to us all

    B) Happy day!
  • alaskamutts278
    alaskamutts278 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi everyone, I took a couple months off from everything. I'm back for the motivation and accountability this forum provides. Hoping to rock February!
  • molly3210
    molly3210 Posts: 804 Member
    Happily signing up for February. Marks my second year with the UAC though I've taken a month off here and there. The habits I've learned here have enabled me to maintain my weight loss and taught me mindfulness with my lifestyle and health. It's Iike a budget, if you don't have a plan, or if you do but you take your eyes off of it for too long it can get out of control very quickly!