Humpday Cuppa Joe 2.10.21

Authenticity3 Posts: 1,270 Member
Pour yourself a mug of your favorite morning brew. Pull up a chair and join us for our morning roll call here on the BBB.

"I want to be able to say that I contributed more than I criticized." - Brene Brown


  • Authenticity3
    Authenticity3 Posts: 1,270 Member
    I love that quote.

    Raine, those puppies are SO FREAKING ADORABLE!!! Oh my goodness!!! Do you have thoughts on a name? Or are you waiting to get to know him first?
    Lee, I had to google pictures of platypus puggles after you said that. They sure are intersting creatures!
    Mary, she's getting bullied? Boy ... that brings back memories of my little one and all the horror we went through with her. Kids were beyond awful. Cruel. Heartless. They TOLD her over and over again that she should kill herself. Thank goodness for good therapists, phsychiatrists, mental hospitals, and online schools. She's alive today and thriving, and engaged!, and she wants to help other kids who go through what she did. I'm praying for Angel now, that God uses for good what they meant for evil.
    Steph, I'd love to see your creations from that class - how FUN!!!
    Stay safe, Kelly!
    I hope your hike/snowshoing excursion was all you'd hoped for, Dave!
    I hope you get Dw back soon, Dennis! I'm glad you're keeping yourself busy, but I know you miss her.
    I'm glad you enjoyed your time off, Sam. :)

    Jim got me a new Garmin so that I know when my phone rings. My issue with these things is that they're big and my wrist is tiny ... I think they look kinda ridiculous on me. But, I understand his frustration when he can't get ahold of me, too. So, I'm wearing it. Maybe I'll even pay attention to the steps. This thing does everything ... of course I don't know how to use it in the slightest.
  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,458 Member

    Long day ahead! Lots of schoolwork to catch up on! Snow for a couple days forecasted. Not sure what to make of the predictions - they are all over the map.

    Lisa continues to be a SUPERIOR WW Coach! Over 30 people in the weekly online meeting last night. LOVE IT!

  • kgmoody
    kgmoody Posts: 3,246 Member
    Good morning

    Inspired by Dave and his hikes!! I have got to get hiking!!!

    Make it a marvelous day.
  • kgmoody
    kgmoody Posts: 3,246 Member
    Oh please pray for ds1. Phone interview for a better job. Adult protective services.
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 9,132 Member
    edited February 2021
    Mornin' BBB.

    Prayer out for DS#1, Kelly.

    So is the Garmin like an apple watch, Lisa?

    BBB OP ;-)
  • steplinn398
    steplinn398 Posts: 3,082 Member
    Well wishes to DS1 for a fantastic interview.

    Card class was fun. We made 3 cards, a calendar note pad and a candy holder. Seriously this was the longest Ron and I have been apart since we left dad's last June. Thanfully I love him but still nice to have some girl time.

    We are on a huge rainy stretch here. Will try to sneak in walks as we can.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,966 Member
    Happy Humping,
    2 yoga classes today, 1st is being filmed for gyms promotions
    Been finishing sheetrock in basement and fixing small items downstairs that DMIL has broke over the years. DW is going to pick her up Friday, the quite and peace ends
    Nice cards Steph, and yes every individual needs some time for themselves.
    Fingers crossed for DS1 Kelly, prayers also
    66 here yesterday should be warmer today then rain comes in tonight and temps will drop
  • louisstone
    louisstone Posts: 2,736 Member
    Good morning.

    After almost 11 years working for Weight Watchers, they’ve just now realized that I don’t actually live in Chicago anymore and can’t really lead meetings from 1,200 miles away. On Friday, I will be terminated with extreme indifference.

    On the plus side, I caught my bullet in a one-on-one conversation with my Territory Manager (my first in 3 years!) as opposed to via Zoom like my comrades in April last year.

    I'll be getting two weeks severance, which I can only hope will be rounded up to $2. My projected unemployment benefit would be just over a dollar a week. So, I'm going to start a GOFUNDME to help bridge this massive hit to our family budget.

    Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated in this difficult time.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,362 Member
    Good morning BBB crew.

    You amaze me, Lisa. Do you take notes to keep everyone's life events straight?

    May DS1 have the best interview, ever.

    Had a great time hiking up through ice to snow and on with my never-before-used snow shoes. Covered 10.7 miles, with 1,162 feet of vertical. Had a celebratory Hershey Bar with my lunch.


    Looks like the snow is going to come to us. They are predicting a major snow even in the Puget Sound lowlands, starting tomorrow and running through the weekend. Rats! I hope the power doesn't go out, too.
  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,991 Member
    Good morning BBB Friends.
    • DS1 is in my prayers Kelly. Let's hope he gets the job he wants.
    • Our church had a prayer vesper at a local nursing home last night. It was a lot warmer than the one at the hospital last week. We are doing one at a different place on Tuesday nights all month.
    • Lou, I feel for ya man.
    • Enjoy your last couple of days of quiet Sam.
    • Mountain Man Dave. I am sure you walked off that Hershey bar.
    • DW will be home by dinner time. I have a house to clean.
  • mcee1
    mcee1 Posts: 3,781 Member
    Brrrr I don't recall last it was this cold around these parts, for this long. they say no end to it thru weekend. The snow mobile riders are loving all the snow on ground state wide. Lakes for sure are iced over to fish on, now.

    Thanks Lisa... shes okay, just needs better friends she can trust and spend less time worrying about the likes of immature 14yo boys and the drama and gossip around it imo.She's a smart girl, book and street lol. Some of these kids are just mean and their parents are clueless. I told her when it comes to friends,real ones, its better to have four quarters than one hundred pennies... she gets it.

    Darling Puppies! I read about the breed last night, Duck Tollers are special and very intelligent dogs. Excellent in sports and obedience activities and in health and safety jobs..., And take special humans to give them the time, attention. commitment in their training etc. Sounds like a perfect match ! ...this Wisconsin pup will have in FL, a very good life and family! And certainly won't have to pee outside in below zero wind chill Temps too! Can't wait to follow their journey.
    Will you blog, Raine?

    Great happy picture of you Dave!

    Welcome home DW. Dennis has the house cleaned and dinner on!? 😄

    I'm marinating chicken breast for Tom to put on the gas grill tonite brrrrr. Love Him!

    Be well BBB