78 days to go!

3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
Happy Friday!!!

Between the cold and the impeachment trial yesterday, I couldn't get myself to do the weight training video. I've found that if I don't get my workout done before noon, I just won't do it! I can push through most mornings to do insane amounts of stuff, but I am cooked in the afternoon! Afternoon chores are all I can handle.

So, today I will do morning chores, work and run (5min/1min X 4) and stretch before lunch despite the cold. I'll log my calories and hydrate.

I want to buy new winter work clothes, but I am going to wait to get smaller, cuter ones next year :blush: That is a reward I'm willing to work towards!

Have a great one!



  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    @3greyhorses - I know you layered up, but to me your clothes look baggy already, so you will definitely need smaller sizes for next winter.

    My left tonsil is friendlier today - happy for that small win. I do not want to go to the doctor in the best of times, and now even less.

    I am still on the thought that my problem is overeating and I’m elbows deep working on it. I started monitoring my evening snacks and cravings and try to put a cap to that by 7. So far I worked backwards an hour from 10, so I will get there.
    In the same time I am working on low calorie alternatives for my snacking issue. Yesterday I cooked 3: vegetable stew, polenta and baked sweet potatoes.
    Yep, my pitfalls are not sweet, but savory foods.
    Fingers crossed for the next 10 weeks 😁
  • sharonarkoff
    sharonarkoff Posts: 57 Member
    I struggle with the geological pace of weight loss. I don't know how, realistically, with work/family/a gazillion opportunities to eat, I can eat less. But, I see that I can't hike or xc ski or ride my wonderful horse as well as I would like, at my current weight. And I'm so lumpy-looking! Cute outfits that used to be sporty now just look dumpy, with my vast shoulders and boobs. Anyway, I'll keep working on giving up bread and pasta. I love them, sure, but if the f'ing scale would move, I could give them up. I am keeping a baked potato every so often. I am sorry, but some days a girl needs a baked potato with butter in her life. And, I'll put a TV in front of the treadmill and burn another 600 calories, a few times a week. Okay. Onwards. Slowly. There is still a petite, agile little me in there somewhere. :-)
  • sharonarkoff
    sharonarkoff Posts: 57 Member
    And yes, 3greyhorses, you are melting to nothing inside those tent-like clothes. Great work!!! Good on you!!
  • Katebook309yahoocom940
    @3greyhorses good plan with the buying new winter clothes next year. 👌

    @GabiV125 sounds like a good plan for making snacking a positive.

    @sharonarkoff I'm the same way in that being able to do more of the things I want to physically is the most motivating for me.
  • Katebook309yahoocom940
    Not a great end of the work week eating healthy wise/ water but I did reach 3 sets of my leg exercises at the gym tonight... was working up to it. Also, stretched for personal brownie points. 😄 3 day weekend for me, so I should be able to get back on track. Got a clean eating bowl recipe book at goodwill for a dollar and will be trying out 2 of those recipes this weekend. I have felt more energetic this week. I know some of that's the iron supplement but I also feel like working out more regular has helped as well. Have a great weekend everyone.
  • 3greyhorses
    3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
    @GabiV125 thanks, but the coveralls only look baggy because the zipper broke one day when I bent over. LOL! As for snacking, that was super hard for me, too. Now I fill up on 2 small apples and a serving of chocolate chips every night (it used to be salty chips and beer). The apples give me the crunch, the chocolate, well, it's chocolate. The apples are surprisingly filling! I hope you find something that works for you :)

    @sharonarkoff it's soooo slow! I still believe sticking with it and taking baby steps will make everything easier and more fun in the long run. All I think about when I'm running is how much stronger of a rider I'll be in the spring. When it feels impossible to keep going, I focus on my breath and imagine the sound of my thoroughbred's breathing on cross country. It's my main motivation when I run!

    @Katebook309yahoocom940 Good on you for the gym AND stretching! I don't know why, but I hate stretching! The iron makes a huge difference for me. Glad you're feeling more energetic! Let us know how those recipes turn out!