54 days to go!

3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
Another new week, another fresh start!

For me, this week is all about sticking with good food choices. I know, I know, this should be a priority every week, but it simply hasn't been :blush:

Today, I will be going to the grocery store to stock up on salad fixings and healthy snacks and do some serious meal and snack prepping so I have something easy to grab instead of mindlessly having a handful of this and 10 more handfuls of that. It's going to be a gorgeous day so I'll get in a run and ride a couple of horses :smiley:

Have a great day!


  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Today is International Women Day, so ladies I wish you endless supplies of happiness and success!!!!

    I meant what I said the other day, and I’m going to straighten up my game starting now.
    I saw somewhere a nice saying “you don’t need motivation, you only need consistency “ so here’s my action—>

    Week 8- I’ll track 2 things and have a fall on strategy:
    - no eating after 7pm, or no later then 8:45pm
    - 45 minutes walk or bike , or no less then 15 minutes
  • 3greyhorses
    3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
    Love your plan @GabiV125 !
    Happy International Women's Day everyone :blush:
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    Hola chicas! Feliz día de la mujer!! 👸👩‍🔬🧕💃💪💗

    I hope we all feel strong and empowered today 😽

    For the first day in a week, both Jamey and I woke up without any fevers. But i woke up feeling quite sick, super nauseated, then i sat at the computer for 5 hours and made some healthy brunch, and now I'm slowly feeling a bit better.. still not at the top of my game though, jamey either, so we're going to keep taking it easier for a little while. I also have something chemical going on with my mood for the past week.. I'll be feeling great like normal then a random wave of sad will wash over me out of the blue... Blah!

    I work a little more this afternoon, then we've got a walk into town planned to run a couple of errands. I hate that we keep having to do stuff. would be a great time to have a car. Hoping i feel up for jogging again soon, but not there yet...

    Anyway goals for today: under on cals and get to sleep early as i can (considering i work tonight til midnight)

    Happy Monday amigas 🌟🌟
  • Katebook309yahoocom940
    @3greyhourses sounds good👍 happy for prepping🙃

    @Gabivi125 women's day 🤗❤

    @rayonrainbows 💛 hope your able to run again soon.

    Walked and did arms/abs today. Will be gung ho again with healthy eating for that last 6 weeks. Got to say nice Weather is a lot more motivating so hopefully we all continue to get it.
  • taxgirl1
    taxgirl1 Posts: 1,287 Member
    Went to my trainer today. He really bumped up the intensity of the workout. This week is supposed to be in the 50's and sunny, can't wait to got out some more.

    @rayonrainbows Good for you to get back into running. That was always my problem, I would train for a race and then once the race was over, I would stop running.
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    1.no eating after 7pm, or no later then 8:45pm
    2.45 minutes walk or bike , or no less then 15 minutes
    1 yes 8:30
    2 yes 45 min biking
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    @GabiV125 love those very specific goals! 💫💫 I also like your idea of setting and ideal goal as well as a //don't cross this line// goal! Seems like a great idea 💗🌈🌈