53 days to go!

3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
Here we go, another new day to work towards our goals!

Yesterday was pretty good. As others have mentioned, warmer weather is so motivating! A game-changer really B) I ran for 30 minutes and took a longer cool-down walk because it was so nice out. I ended up not riding because I'm a little concerned about my horses' feet. They need to be trimmed really badly. The farrier is supposed to be coming today (he was supposed to be here last week and dealing with him created a lot of stress for me last week...I'm actually pretty pissed at him so he better come today!) so hopefully I will get to ride this afternoon.

Other than dealing with the farrier and hopefully riding today, I will be doing some extra cleaning around the farm and a stretchy yoga video. I prepped some food yesterday so I'll try to stick with my plan and not randomly and mindlessly grab junk food. I've got 2 32oz bottles of water ready to go so we'll see how much of that I actually get down.

Have a great day!


  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    Hola 🌟

    Happy Tuesday 😎 just finished tutoring Hector for a couple of hours, now the rest of today is my off day πŸ€“ still taking it easy exercise wise, though i reallyyyyy am jonesing for a nice bike ride. Maybe tomorrow 🌈

    Game night tonight, so my goal is just to try and keep the cals chill. Otherwise more rest and recuperation and hopefully an early sleep....

    Good luck with your goals today everyone πŸ’—πŸ’—
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Full day in the office here too.
    I was very busy and then it grew even busier , and I felt crushed. So I took my sunglasses (62F) and as bottle of water and went for a 50 minutes walk. When I got back I tackled one by one, everything.
    Now I’m laying on the couch because I just had my lunch/dinner and will relax until it’s time to walk the doggie.

    BTW, how’s the pretty puppy? Can we get another picture?
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Here’s mine in his only 2 states boimxht66ft9.jpeg
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    😻😻 love the pup pix 😁

    Here's my rescue doggo Rambo... Unfortunately due to his previous life he doesn't play nice with other pups, so he can't join us on our beach walks 😒

  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    No eating after 7pm, or no later then 8:45pm
    45 minutes walk or bike , or no less then 15 minutes

    Last meal 8:30pm
    45 min biking
    Last meal 8pm
    50 min walking