Good Friday 4.2.21

DocSkippy Posts: 7,234 Member
edited April 2021 in Social Groups
Morning Cuppa Joe

"....but I've read the script and the costume fits, so I'll play my part." ~Cleopatra


  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,234 Member

    Busy morning ahead - but taking afternoon off to just unwind / relax.

    Got my headrests back yesterday. Most don't get the significance - but the Ram TRX (google it) is called the "T-Rex" - aka "Raptor Killer" - (Ford). The war with Ram and Ford over Horsepower. The T-Rex was build to eat Raptor - alas, Tom (Raine's husband) hooked me up with the bada$$ logo to depict it......

    Think I might try to make it to VFW this afternoon to say hi to the boys.

  • kgmoody
    kgmoody Posts: 3,208 Member
    Well, that’s cool

    Date night. Ds1 will be home this morning without the gf. Woo hoo. Wedding weekend. He will head back to Wisconsin Sunday around 6:30.

    Have a great day.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,163 Member
    Good morning BBB crew.

    Cool car art, Skip.

    Last day of spring weather, today, before we go back to cool and damp. A "persistent low pressure area" over the North Pacific promises to keep most of April damp and well below normal temps, up here. Of course that means that many of you can look forward to the opposite. You're welcome.
  • raineray
    raineray Posts: 2,196 Member
    Good Morning BBB.
    I’ve been MIA but all is good.
    We have been busy with Larry - A pop is a full-time second job but we are loving every moment. Pic is from yesterday at the Apple Store - great training opportunity. Larry was not impressed.
    Bill - that sticker is b*d*ss and looks awesome.
    Do good out there everyone.
  • steplinn398
    steplinn398 Posts: 2,992 Member
    Morning all

    I didn't get the logo

  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,234 Member
    Its a T-Rex eating a Raptor. (aka - Ram kicking Ford *kitten*).
    Ram TRX was built to be stronger than Ford Raptor (aka Raptor killer)
  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,798 Member
    Good morning BBB friends.
    • I'm with Larry. Never really been impressed in an Apple store.
    • It turned cold here yesterday. Low last night was 28°. Should be warm again next week. There is a reason they tell us not to plant our annuals before April 15th.
    • DW who is not a big phone person started to complain about her battery life. She has a new Samsung Galaxy A51 5g coming today.
    • So Skip, is the bada$$ TRX on the President's eco friendly list? You might want to hang an electrical cord out the back if you drive into DC.
    • Today is Good Friday.
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,888 Member
    edited April 2021
    Mornin' BBB.

    Thought I had already posted. Must have not hit "post" button. Either that or it got "poofed".

    I got it. Pretty sweet ride and very cool logo. I remember the Power Wagon from the '70's. That was definitely the dominant beast compared to Ford and Chevy back then.yboin45u7vgq.png

    Rain answered my question about whether it was a decal or painted.

    BBB OP ;-)

  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,822 Member
    Good Morning,
    Tis Good Friday,
    Skip, my DGS would love it,
    Was up early to fix breakfast for DW and DMIL, DW taking DMIL to doctor about hour away
    Lawn chemical company here as well as annual termite inspection and I thought I'll get a break with them gone.
    Cold again this morning, tomorrow afternoon will be able to put plants outside for summer
  • mcee1
    mcee1 Posts: 3,682 Member
    edited April 2021
    Good Morning

    That is a sweet ride, Skip - you do know how to jazz up your vehicles! The seats, the decal, all very nice! Enjoy your half day off, you need it!

    I thought Dennis would agree with Larry.

    It's like having a toddler, Raine! He will grow up fast, Im sure!

    All day off - paid holiday, for me today. Tom's Harley is making a terrible sound once it warms up, he is not a happy guy. Likely lifters, or something is wrong with the engine idk, I am just trying to be optimistic and telling him maybe its not that bad a fix $$$. Ha chingching its a Harley. A friend will come over later to see what he thinks. Im thinking a tow is going to come get it, next week.

    Temps climbing into the 60's all weekend! Thanks Dave and the PNW !

    Enjoy your wedding date with ds1, Kelly!

    The Brewers take opening day it the 10th! woohoo. And baseball begins!

    Tonite we will go hang out with my ds2, df, her dd, and Maddie dog, for a chicken brat cookout and I have some Easter gifts for them. They are going by her family on Sunday. We passed on the invite to go along this time.

    We are doing a drive by 2.5 hours there and back "upnorth" to the lake tomorrow, to move our wood deck out of the way for the lot work coming. Tom's ds is going to come help. Then we are stopping on way home to see the new pup Oakley, too. I think DD & Dsil are getting a taste of parenthood ha.

    Be well BBB

  • Authenticity3
    Authenticity3 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Happy Good Friday, everyone! It's been a busy week here.

    Skip, that is some pretty cool stuff right there. Nice!
    Kelly, what did you do for date night?
    Dave, I appreciate that! Thank you so much!
    Larry is just the CUTEST little guy! And it looks like he's a good learner, too. Not many puppies would lay still like that in a new place. Wow!
    Dennis, I'll bet you could train the Apple staff! You're the top tech guy!
    Ooooo, Lee! You bought that? So cool! Retro!
    I hope you enjoyed your little respite, Sam! I got your check today, btw- thank you. You're so ahead of the game!
    Did your Easter celebration go well tonight, Mary? That sounds really nice! I have all our baskets and gifts ready and waiting, too.

    So I got to do something kinda fun today. A friend of mine commissioned me to do a small painting for a baby shower. She wanted a tree that the guests can put green thumbprints on (like leaves) and sign as the guestbook. She sent me a couple pictures and shared that it was a woodland creatures theme, so this is what I did for her. I totally copied the design, but it was so satisfying to actually do a painting .... it's been decades since I did. She loved it, and so did I. :blush:

    Then tonight we took Dd20 and her fiance out for dinner, then they came back here so she could open gifts. Her 21st b-day is next Saturday, but Jim will be out of town, so we wanted to celebrate early. She's not much of a drinker (almost zilch, really), so we weren't concerned about that aspect. It was a nice time!

    Tomorrow she and I are going to Dd24's house to help her do some painting and babysit baby J while she does a photo shoot. Then Sunday morning we have a "sunrise fire and breakfast" to attend, then the local fam is coming here for Easter dinner and gifts. It will be a busy weekend full of so much family and friends and LOVE ... my favorite kind!