29 days to go!

3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
Happy Friday!

How's everyone doing? Still keeping your eye on the prize, so to speak? Visualizing how you will feel and look on May 1st? Come on, ladies! Let's finish strong and have a happy, healthy summer this year! Maybe there are things you didn't do in past summers because of your weight? Things you didn't feel comfortable wearing? Let's make this year different :blush:

Today is a run day. I'll run for 30 minutes. It's going to be the first non-windy day this week, so I will definitely be riding <3 I'll log all of my yummy fresh fruits and veggies and drink all of my water.

It's going to be a great day! Hope y'all have the same <3


  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Have a nice run, Paree, and love your goals.
    My religion is Greek Orthodox and my Easter is one week after everybody’s usually, except this year is a month later, on May 1st, so my plan is to fit into something cute then. I have no idea if we’ll spend it with anyone else, or just the 3 of us, but that doesn’t matter now.
    Funny timing coincidence, right?

    I did much better food wise this week although the scale doesn’t agree yet, and with some hiccups (inevitable for humans) my plan is to stay mostly in green this month.

    Happy Easter to all that are celebrating this weekend, and happy spring day for us!
  • Katebook309yahoocom940
    Did decent the last few days got groceries last night but forgot to get breakfast food so I ended up going out this morning. I now have lots of options for eating healthy and low calorie the rest of the day though. Also got another cold water bottle with a straw. I have one for work and it really helps me drink more so I got one for home too. Plan is to walk and do lower body strength training tonight. No big Easter plans will probably just hang out with my mom and sister. Quote is helpful. Last week I had the excuse of being on my period but now I have to find my discipline again. May 1st!
  • taxgirl1
    taxgirl1 Posts: 1,287 Member
    I love that quote.

    I saw my trainer this morning and with a new month comes a new workout. Of course, there were a number of new exercises that I hated doing, but I got through it.

    Great news! I had my last PT appointment yesterday! My PT told me that I was at 85%-90% recovery, and that I just needed to continue building on what I had been doing in PT. She also gave me the ok to start run/walking. To think that this whole thing started with an ankle injury 4 months ago.
  • Katebook309yahoocom940
    @TaxGirl1 congrats on graduating PT! 🥳
    I know that's hard work not to mention expensive. / let us know if your trainer gives you any good tips. 😄
  • 3greyhorses
    3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
    taxgirl1 wrote: »
    I love that quote.

    I saw my trainer this morning and with a new month comes a new workout. Of course, there were a number of new exercises that I hated doing, but I got through it.

    Great news! I had my last PT appointment yesterday! My PT told me that I was at 85%-90% recovery, and that I just needed to continue building on what I had been doing in PT. She also gave me the ok to start run/walking. To think that this whole thing started with an ankle injury 4 months ago.

    That's great news! It's so frustrating how long it takes for some injuries to heal...just as it's frustrating how long it takes to lose weight. Our bodies are pretty amazing though :blush: