28 days to go!

3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
edited April 2021 in Social Groups
Happy Saturday!

28 days = 4 weeks to go! It seems like the weeks are getting shorter :#
I'm going to really push it for the next 4 weeks, really focusing on salads, fruits, veggies, getting enough protein and staying hydrated. And of course, continuing to exercise :blush: My new goal is to be at 155lbs on May 1. Based on today's weight of 162, I need to lose 7lbs, which is 1.75lbs/week. I know that's doable for me, especially now that the weather is better and I'm busy outside most of the day.

Today is a busy day! We have a couch being delivered (that we ordered 4 months ago), I'm getting my first dose of the COVID vaccine and we're going to pick up some hay. I won't be running or swimming, but I really hope to get on at least one horse. It all depends on how the day goes. As for nutrition, I'll make sure to have some healthy snacks on hand since I'll be on the go most of the day. I absolutely will have water bottles with me and actually drink them!

Have a great day, everyone!


  • Katebook309yahoocom940
    I'm still not in the gung-ho mood like I should be with 4 weeks left but I did meet all my goals yesterday. Todays plan is just to walk in addition to basic goals. I'll be happy if I'm at 30 pounds down at the end although my original plan was to be under 200 by June. New plan is by Dec at the latest and just take it slow so I can enjoy food/life in moderation.
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Reading your post made me check my history and my starting weight was on 11/11. In 4.5 months I lost 1.4lb net with some crazy zigzag and maintenance in between. I should have known, but I didn’t actually see the numbers and it’s a weird feeling.
    I’ll mull over this today and try to stay in calories.
  • 3greyhorses
    3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
    @Katebook309yahoocom940 consistency and moderation is really the way to go for long-term success! I have no doubt you'll reach your goals on your own time.

    @GabiV125 knowledge is power, right? Now that you're aware, you can make whatever changes are right for you to keep moving forward. Maybe seriously revisit the WHY of it all. What keeps you trying? WHY do you want to lose weight? If it's truly a priority, what is holding you back? Are you making your health a priority or is it for vanity? What would be the benefits? Cons? Just some things I ask myself every once in a while as a self check-in.