27 days to go!

3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
edited April 2021 in Social Groups
Happy Sunday, and Easter, if you celebrate! I am not overly religious and don't know a lot about the origins of Easter, but I do know enough to say that it's not about eating all of the candy that the Easter Bunny brings. So, you! Yes, you! Step away from the chocolate bunnies and creme-filled eggs! Don't use Easter as an excuse to get off track :D

In response to a comment on yesterday's post, I started really thinking about my WHY for losing weight. I started reading articles about it and have realized that I might be able to stay motivated by having an even clearer definition of my WHY. I'm going to sit with this for a while later today, write it all down and pin it up where I will see it every day. Here are just a couple of the articles I've taken a look at. There are zillions of them if you want to do a Google search. If you do, please share any that are helpful to you!

Today is a running day and at 74 degrees F, sunny and low winds, I will definitely be riding!
Easter is just another day around our house so I'll eat whatever my hubby makes and track it all the best I can. Definitely need to stay focused on hydration. It's too easy for me to forget when I'm on the move with the horses and farm work all day so maybe I should set a timer on my phone to remind myself to drink? Actually, YES! That's exactly what I'm going to do :blush:

Have a great day! <3


  • Katebook309yahoocom940
    I thankfully do not have Easter candy in the house otherwise I'd be sneaking some robins eggs. πŸ˜…. Good articles. I guess my ultimate why is to feel good inside and out. Which is difficult because in the short term food really does make me feel good. πŸ˜‚ I've been healthy and fit in the past though and I know In the long term that feels better. I guess I just have to stop putting so much emphasis on the scale for feedback. Keep moving forward even slowly if I'm not feeling the healthy lifestyle on any given day. Happy Easter or upcoming Easter everyone!

    @3greyhorses good idea πŸ’‘ πŸš°πŸ’¦πŸ•™πŸ€™
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    I started the day with a long walk and managed to close my diary in green. Yahoo!