Exercise Diary 26/08 - 01/09

katieuk Posts: 304 Member
Fingers crossed I get my back sorted and get back on it!!

Monday - back injury

Tuesday - swim

Wednesday - run

Thursday - pilates

Friday - run

Saturday - swim

Sunday - run


  • SolanumSunrise
    SolanumSunrise Posts: 244 Member
    Katie, did your back injury have anything to do with your kettlebell workout?

    The city pool here is now closed, except for next weekend which will be the last weekend it's available. Waaa!

    Monday - Kickboxing Fastfix + BBY
    Tuesday - Yoga Meltdown
    Wednesday - Kickboxing Fastfix + BBY
    Thursday - BFBM
    Friday - RI30 L1
    Saturday - Swim + BBY
    Sunday - swim
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    Katie - I hope your back gets better soon!

    Monday - Mile Walk and StrongLifts
    Tuesday - Zombies Run
    Wednesday - Mile Intervals and StrongLifts
    Thursday - Zombies Run
    Friday - Mile intervals and StrongLifts
    Saturday - Zombies Run
    Sunday - Rest
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    Katie - I hope your back gets better soon!

    Monday - Mile Walk and StrongLifts - COMPLETED
    Tuesday - Zombies Run
    Wednesday - Mile Intervals and StrongLifts
    Thursday - Zombies Run
    Friday - Mile intervals and StrongLifts
    Saturday - Zombies Run
    Sunday - Rest
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    Katie - I hope your back gets better soon!

    Monday - Mile Walk and StrongLifts - COMPLETED
    Tuesday - Zombies Run - COMPLETED
    Wednesday - Mile Intervals and StrongLifts
    Thursday - Zombies Run
    Friday - Mile intervals and StrongLifts
    Saturday - Zombies Run
    Sunday - Rest
  • SolanumSunrise
    SolanumSunrise Posts: 244 Member
    Monday - BBY - completed
    Tuesday - rest
    Wednesday - BBY - completed
    Thursday - rest
    Friday - BFBM
    Saturday - Swim + BBY
    Sunday - swim

    This week has been really hectic and I haven't been able to get any cardio in although I've kept up with the bodyweight strength training. Bleh.
  • SolanumSunrise
    SolanumSunrise Posts: 244 Member
    Monday - BBY - completed
    Tuesday - rest
    Wednesday - BBY - completed
    Thursday - rest
    Friday - rest
    Saturday - Swim + BBY - completed
    Sunday - swim - completed
  • katieuk
    katieuk Posts: 304 Member
    So you may have noticed my lack of logging this week...

    I have had the most excruciating headaches (diagnosed on Friday as Chronic Migraines) so I have been basically laying in a dark room for the majority of the week!! I most definitely have not been working out!! I have been eating whatever I fancied and no doubt have packed on the inches!! However, I have some good tablets from the doc and hopefully will be able to get back to normality this week :-)