17 days to go!

3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
edited April 2021 in Social Groups
Happy Wednesday!
Ugh. Weigh-in day. I wasn't sure if I could even get myself to look. I haven't been doing a good job with food or exercise for over a week so I knew it wasn't going to be a loss. I gained 2.5lbs. Honestly, I thought it would be more than that. There's no chance I'll be anywhere near my goal by May 1st. Not even the recently modified goal of reaching 155lbs. I'm sad, but it's just a reminder that there really is no end to the journey. Even when (if?) I reach my goal, I will always have to be super diligent to make sure I don't just gain it all back. I have to be happy with the small victories and continue with small changes. So, today I will push forward and run, ride, track calories and hydrate. I'll take moments during the day to be mindful. Feel the sun, hear the birds, smell my ponies, taste the chocolate chips that I allow myself at the end of the day. Life is not a race, not win or lose. It's to be enjoyed and appreciated. I hope you all take a moment or 2 to just be in the moment. Have a great day <3


  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,116 Member
    Yep, agree. Weight day is a weird and emotionally loaded day.

    I’ve been static for a month and actually 1lb in 4 months is somewhere between maintenance and micro progress😀. Could be worse, of course and although I can’t muster much enthusiasm right now (I woke up blah) I am ok with it.
  • Katebook309yahoocom940
    The scale or not meeting your own goals can be really discouraging. As someone who has lost before and then gained back I can say it's most important to just keep trying rather then getting completely discouraged and just giving up. Love the quote. Present moment 🤗