2 days to go!

3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
edited April 2021 in Social Groups
Happy Thursday!

I have a new short-term goal for motivation! I just signed up for a 3-day riding clinic with an amazing trainer (Olympic level) on May 14, 15 and 16th. I'm excited about the lessons, but probably more excited to see some of my friends that I haven't seen in a few years. It's only a couple of weeks away, but I want to look as good as I can by then. Time to really focus on salads, proteins and water! Goose is in for a surprise as we're going to have a lot more focus during our rides :blush:

So, today I will ride! I should probably also go for a short run since I have a 4.37 mile race on Saturday and haven't run much since the 10k. I've got my 2 32oz bottles of water ready to go and will head to the store for salad stuff before lunch.

Have a great day <3

