Leslie Sansone May 2021 Walk Challenge



  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    May 1: 4 Fast Miles Walk Slim + 19 min Winsor Pilates buns & thighs sculpting
    May 2: 4 Miles ~ 2 Miles Walking for Weight Loss + 2 Miles Walk Away Your Hips and Thighs + 20 min Winsor Pilates full body strength
    May 3: 6 Miles ~ 4 Fast Miles Walk Slim + 2 Boosted Mile + 19 min Winsor Pilates buns & thighs sculpting
    May 4: 6 Miles ~ 3 Fast Miles + 3 Miles Walking for Weight Loss + 26 min Pilates Mat Workout w/Ana Cabán
    May 5: 6 Miles ~ 5 Fat Burning Miles + 1 Mile Heart Healthy + 19 min Winsor Pilates buns & thighs sculpting
    May 6: 5 Boosted Miles + 26 min Pilates Mat Workout w/Ana Cabán
    May 7: 6 Miles ~ 3 Fast & Fun Miles + 2 Miles Heart Healthy + 19 min Winsor Pilates buns & thighs
    May 8: 4 slow miles on my own + 26 min Pilates Mat Workout w/Ana Cabán
    May 9: 4 Miles ~ 2 Miles The Big Burn + 2 Miles Woman’s Walk + 19 min Winsor Pilates buns & thighs
    May 10: 6 Miles ~ 3 Miles 5K with a Twist + 3 Miles Slim & Sleek + 26 min Pilates Mat Workout w/Ana Cabán
    May 11: 5 Fat Burning Miles + 19 min Winsor Pilates buns & thighs
    May 12: 5 Boosted Miles + 26 min Pilates Mat Workout w/Ana Cabán
    May 13: 6 Miles ~ 3 Fast Miles + 3 Miles iWalk Strong + 19 min Winsor Pilates buns & thighs
    May 14: 3 Miles Slim & Sleek + 26 min Pilates Mat Workout w/Ana Cabán
    May 15: 5 Miles ~ 4 Fast Miles Walk Slim + 1 Mile Heart Healthy + 19 min Winsor Pilates buns & thighs
    May 16: 4 Miles ~ 3 Miles Walk to the Hits + 1 Fast & Fun Mile + 26 min Pilates Mat Workout w/Ana Cabán
    May 17: 6 Miles ~ 5 Fat Burning Miles + 1 Mile Heart Healthy + 19 min Winsor Pilates buns & thighs
    May 18: 5 Miles ~ 2 Miles Women’s Walk + 3 Mile Express + 26 min Pilates Mat Workout w/Ana Cabán

    90 out of 145 miles

    Doing well on sticking with the Pilates even though my mile times and lengths have slowed due to ongoing plantar fasciitis issues. Some days it does okay, other days, like a sword in my foot! Still I soldier on!
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member

    90 out of 145 miles

    Doing well on sticking with the Pilates even though my mile times and lengths have slowed due to ongoing plantar fasciitis issues. Some days it does okay, other days, like a sword in my foot! Still I soldier on!

    Look at that mileage! So good. I was looking at some Pilates dvds on Amazon yesterday. I don't know why I forgot Ana Caban. I did a few of hers some years ago and like them. A Marie Winsors too.

    My DH has plantar fascitis issues. I feel for you. He can't ever go barefooted. He wears Crocs around the house and they help. Right now things are going good for him. Hang in there!
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,453 Member
    Goal: Average 3 Miles a day for a total of 93 miles and on Sunday and Wednesday-I will do the complete Tone Every Zone workout.

    May 1-WAP-4 Mile Super Challenge-4 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.1 miles=5.1 miles total
    May 2-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=7.5 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.8 miles=9.3 miles total
    May 3-Rest Day- Vivofit tracked 3.0 miles=12.3 miles total
    May 4-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=15.3 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked-.9 miles=16.2 miles total
    May 5-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=18.6 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 2.6 miles=21.2 miles total
    May 6-Rest Day- Vivofit tracked 2.4 miles=23.6 miles total
    May 7-WAP-4 Mile Super Challenge=27.6 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .8 miles=28.4 miles total
    May 8-WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk=33.4 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .4 miles=33.8 miles total
    May 9-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles =36.2 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked-2.2 miles=38.4 miles total
    May 10-Rest Day-2.4 miles=40.8 miles total
    May 11-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=44.8 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.2 miles=46.0 miles total
    May 12-Unplanned Rest Day=Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles=48.3 miles total
    May 13-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=50.7 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.6 miles 52=.3
    May 14-Unplanned rest day-Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles=54.6 miles total
    May 15-WAP-4 Mile Super Challenge-58.6 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .2 miles=58.8 miles total
    May 16-WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk=63.8 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .8 miles=64.6 miles total
    May 17-Rest Day-vivofit tracked 2.4 miles=67.0 miles total
    May 18-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=71.0 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.6 miles=72.6 miles total
    May 19-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=75.0 miles total

    Oh my gosh @VeggieGirlforLife that is a lot of miles for someone with plantar fascia!! My son had that and he had a foot brace and could barely walk, much less walk miles!! You are doing super!!!!

    OK, I did the strength workout!!! :angry: My reward is a rest day tomorrow!!! See you all on Friday!!! :smiley:

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    Thanks @AnnofB and @zichab for your words of encouragement! I wear thick socks around my house, even though it's too hot for socks! I have some slippers with memory foam inside which are also helpful. I've been doing my own trigger point therapy and deep tissue massage (hurts a lot, but feels so much better afterward), following the natural method with stretches and using a heating pad wrapped around my foot. If I weren't doing these things I wouldn't be walking! I've had this issue on and off for years, so I know what to do when it happens. It's just happening more frequently lately. :grumble:

    @AnnofB I recently bought a new copy of the Pilates Mat Workout w/Ana Cabán on DVD because I actually had that on a VCR tape and my VCR/DVR decided to eat it a few weeks ago! I really like her as an instructor, her instructions are clear and her voice is calming to me. I already own her intermediate Pilates on DVD, but since I've just started over with Pilates again, I need to work up to that one.
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Popping in for a late in the week update.

    Milage Goal: 58 / 86 Miles tracked.
    Apple Watch Challenge: Earn 200% of my Move goal 2 times. 0 so far but came close 1 day.
    😳 For reference, my daily move goal is 400 calories so I need to get to 800 2x the month.

    Has the month of May blown by for anyone else???
    My intentional walking has decreased but I managed a 1-mile walk last night with the hubby. Our weather here in Michigan is swinging big time. Went from 40/50's too high 80's in a blink. First, it was just cold enough from walking outside to sweating the next moment.
    So while walking hasn't been great my meal size portions have gotten better. Now if the snacking portion got better. 🤣
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Goal: Each week: 1 yoga workout and two strength workouts.

    May 1.....rest day
    May 2.....38 minutes of Cathe Friedrich's add on strength workout on the DVD "Basic Step and Body Fusion"
    May 3.....32 minutes of Walk Off Fat Fast
    May 4.....30 minutes of Strength & Stamina
    May 5.....38 minutes of Yoga and 32 minutes of Jessica Smith's Cardio Core routine
    May 6.....33 minutes of Burn To The Beat
    May 7.....rest day

    May 8.....36 minutes of the 5 Day Walk Plan
    May 9.....rest day
    May 10...light weights, lot's of reps
    May 11...36 minutes of 5 Boosted Miles
    May 12...39 minutes of Candlelight Yoga and 2 miles of 3 Fast and Fun Miles
    May 13....45 minutes of 5 Mix & Match Miles
    May 14....32 minutes of Strength & Stamina

    May 15....32 minutes of 5 Miracle Miles
    May 16....Rest day
    May 17....22 minutes of Candlelight Yoga
    May 18...38 minutes of Burn to the Beat
    May 19....32 minutes of Strength & Stamina and 20 minutes of the 5 Day Walk Plan
    May 20.....Rest day

    Didn't realize how far behind I was in logging my workouts!

    Keep walking!
  • mypinkbikini
    mypinkbikini Posts: 341 Member
    @zichab Thank you for your kind words. It was such an EASY connection with this group and they've been so kind and welcoming that I'm super hopeful it's just a GOOD fit all around. I've also had ongoing anxiety/sleep issues this winter and my pcp prescribed something and I'm down to half a dose at night but I find I need it right now. Sleep has NEVER been a problem for me before this- I'm sure exercise regularly will help as will things just calming down but for right now, being able to get to sleep again and staying asleep has helped a lot the past month. Have you mentioned any of those issues to a pcp or established care since you retired (and moved right?)? By your walking schedule it looks like you've been finding a good routine again!

    @VeggieGirlforLife I hope you at least SEEK the dream job out. I was quite intent on staying in this job another 5-10 years until I was closer to more of a pre-retirement job so as to not rock the boat life wise, financially etc... but then something hit this winter and I found myself just looking and even googling new places to live every night and I found myself just getting in the mindset of ...maybe we won't do 5-10 more years here. Then from there I looked for internal positions that might be a good fit, just for an easy change, even if they weren't dream jobs. Then I stumbled on this one through a failed attempt at an interview that never materialized at an external place... and it really does seem like a dream job for me. I would never have applied for it if the recruiter didn't tell me I would be a good fit because I didn't have 100% of the requirements for it. Am I sure its a dream job? No. Am I sure it's going to be a perfect fit? No. Am I sure I'm going to succeed? No. But now, its weird...that NEED for security, it's gone. I don't NEED this job or my new job. Guess what I found out? I'm valuable. I'm valuable to lots of employers for jobs I didn't even know existed. So if this one doesn't work out, there will be 5 more that I can interview for and try to find a better fit. Believe me, I didn't have this feeling 5 months ago. I think there's power from at least applying and interviewing for some jobs you want- even if you don't get them or take them. I hope you'll consider what you can do to lead towards your next best job because if we learned anything from the past 18 months, it is that there are no guarantees :wink:

    As for me the week has not been perfect. I had 2 really hard days where I did no walking at all. Two days I did 15000 and 4400 steps, and today I did 5000 steps. My goal is just to get consistent. More than one day I didn't feel like going out for 5 miles so it felt like walking at all was a worthless effort but I need to get in the habit of putting on a tshirt and shorts/yoga pants and doing that 1 mile. Hopeful I can continue my walking through the weekend!
  • mypinkbikini
    mypinkbikini Posts: 341 Member
    Walked over 5 miles today! Last week I did at least 1 mile on 5 days. But this week, I'm hoping to be successful walking 7/7 days with intentional walking first thing every morning.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,453 Member
    Goal: Average 3 Miles a day for a total of 93 miles and on Sunday and Wednesday-I will do the complete Tone Every Zone workout.

    May 1-WAP-4 Mile Super Challenge-4 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.1 miles=5.1 miles total
    May 2-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=7.5 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.8 miles=9.3 miles total
    May 3-Rest Day- Vivofit tracked 3.0 miles=12.3 miles total
    May 4-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=15.3 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked-.9 miles=16.2 miles total
    May 5-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=18.6 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 2.6 miles=21.2 miles total
    May 6-Rest Day- Vivofit tracked 2.4 miles=23.6 miles total
    May 7-WAP-4 Mile Super Challenge=27.6 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .8 miles=28.4 miles total
    May 8-WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk=33.4 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .4 miles=33.8 miles total
    May 9-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles =36.2 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked-2.2 miles=38.4 miles total
    May 10-Rest Day-2.4 miles=40.8 miles total
    May 11-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=44.8 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.2 miles=46.0 miles total
    May 12-Unplanned Rest Day=Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles=48.3 miles total
    May 13-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=50.7 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.6 miles 52=.3
    May 14-Unplanned rest day-Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles=54.6 miles total
    May 15-WAP-4 Mile Super Challenge-58.6 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .2 miles=58.8 miles total
    May 16-WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk=63.8 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .8 miles=64.6 miles total
    May 17-Rest Day-vivofit tracked 2.4 miles=67.0 miles total
    May 18-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=71.0 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.6 miles=72.6 miles total
    May 19-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=75.0 miles total
    -vivofit tracked-1.8 miles=76.8 miles total
    May 20-Rest Day- Vivofit tracked 1.9 miles=78.7 miles total
    May 21-Helped DH-missed W/O-Vivofit tracked 1.8 miles=80.5 miles total
    May 22-WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk=85.5 miles total

    I missed working out yesterday, but the new stair railing is installed and looks really pretty!! Now we (and the cat) will not fall in the staircase hole! :laugh:

    @VeggieGirlforLife : @mypinkbikini has given you the best advice in this statement: I think there's power from at least applying and interviewing for some jobs you want- even if you don't get them or take them. I applied for my dream teaching position right out of college for the sole purpose of "practicing my interviewing skills" as I knew I did not yet have enough experience yet for a full time position. Do you know what happened? I got the job!!!! Don't defeat yourself as sometimes, an employer is really looking for exactly the qualities you have and offers you your dream job when you least expect it. And, even if they don't, you have gained interviewing skills and have a better idea of what employers in your field are looking for. Go for it!!! :+1:

    @mypinkbikini- Well, first, I do not have PCP here yet. :neutral: That is a summer project as I have a Perio, which for me is more imperative. But, I would probably not mention it anyway unless it continues to be a problem. My DH mentioned that I always have sleep issues in spring and he thinks it is because I am not fond of the warmer weather. It could very well be seasonally related as I HATE summer. Once I am resigned to it and start climbing some mountains, it usually goes away. I guess it is time to get mountain climbing! :wink:

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,453 Member
    Goal: Average 3 Miles a day for a total of 93 miles and on Sunday and Wednesday-I will do the complete Tone Every Zone workout.

    May 1-WAP-4 Mile Super Challenge-4 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.1 miles=5.1 miles total
    May 2-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=7.5 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.8 miles=9.3 miles total
    May 3-Rest Day- Vivofit tracked 3.0 miles=12.3 miles total
    May 4-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=15.3 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked-.9 miles=16.2 miles total
    May 5-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=18.6 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 2.6 miles=21.2 miles total
    May 6-Rest Day- Vivofit tracked 2.4 miles=23.6 miles total
    May 7-WAP-4 Mile Super Challenge=27.6 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .8 miles=28.4 miles total
    May 8-WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk=33.4 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .4 miles=33.8 miles total
    May 9-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles =36.2 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked-2.2 miles=38.4 miles total
    May 10-Rest Day-2.4 miles=40.8 miles total
    May 11-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=44.8 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.2 miles=46.0 miles total
    May 12-Unplanned Rest Day=Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles=48.3 miles total
    May 13-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=50.7 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.6 miles 52=.3
    May 14-Unplanned rest day-Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles=54.6 miles total
    May 15-WAP-4 Mile Super Challenge-58.6 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .2 miles=58.8 miles total
    May 16-WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk=63.8 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .8 miles=64.6 miles total
    May 17-Rest Day-vivofit tracked 2.4 miles=67.0 miles total
    May 18-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=71.0 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.6 miles=72.6 miles total
    May 19-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=75.0 miles total
    -vivofit tracked-1.8 miles=76.8 miles total
    May 20-Rest Day- Vivofit tracked 1.9 miles=78.7 miles total
    May 21-Helped DH-missed W/O-Vivofit tracked 1.8 miles=80.5 miles total
    May 22-WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk=85.5 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .1 miles=85.6 miles total
    May 23-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=88.6 miles total

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Goal: Each week: 1 yoga workout and two strength workouts.

    May 1.....rest day
    May 2.....38 minutes of Cathe Friedrich's add on strength workout on the DVD "Basic Step and Body Fusion"
    May 3.....32 minutes of Walk Off Fat Fast
    May 4.....30 minutes of Strength & Stamina
    May 5.....38 minutes of Yoga and 32 minutes of Jessica Smith's Cardio Core routine
    May 6.....33 minutes of Burn To The Beat
    May 7.....rest day

    May 8.....36 minutes of the 5 Day Walk Plan
    May 9.....rest day
    May 10...light weights, lot's of reps
    May 11...36 minutes of 5 Boosted Miles
    May 12...39 minutes of Candlelight Yoga and 2 miles of 3 Fast and Fun Miles
    May 13....45 minutes of 5 Mix & Match Miles
    May 14....32 minutes of Strength & Stamina

    May 15....32 minutes of 5 Miracle Miles
    May 16....Rest day
    May 17....22 minutes of Candlelight Yoga
    May 18...38 minutes of Burn to the Beat
    May 19....32 minutes of Strength & Stamina and 20 minutes of the 5 Day Walk Plan
    May 20.....Rest day
    May 21.....37 minutes of Strength-light weights lot's of reps

    May 22.....Rest day
    May 23.....Rest day
    May 24.....32 minutes with the blue band from Leslie's Miracle Miles strength session & 1 miles of Burn to the Beat

  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    Thank you @mypinkbikini for your thoughtful words and for sharing more of your story. It's interesting that you note your skills might be a good fit for jobs you hadn't even though of doing and wonderful that you know you are valuable to many employers. I am pretty well stuck in my position until November unless I can find another job that is on our state retirement plan. I won't be fully vested for another 161 days and yes, I am counting! If I found something so amazingly spectacular, I'd leave, but just browsing job ads, I haven't found anything worth it yet. I do enjoy interviewing and a couple of years ago I went to several, was offered a few jobs that I had zero interest in once I went to the interviews due to the job itself or the people I met and knew I would not enjoy working with. I feel extremely discouraged right now, but I am uplifted at the idea of a future position where I can feel good about what I'm doing. I do wish I felt like you do now about not needing the security, but I'm not there. Although I know it is easier to look for a job while you have one.

    Thank you also @zichab for sharing your story as well. I will take all of this into consideration.
    Although I was in my dream job... the scope of my current field has changed so much that I have major burnout and dread coming in to work almost daily. I have no idea what I would rather do although I do have varied interests, I find that a lot of things I think about wouldn't bring in money and I've got to be able to pay my bills.

    and also @zichab? I hate summer, too! I feel like I'm melting as I write this. We've gone from nice breezy 70s to 90s and building humidity. Yuck! Cue the fans!
  • mypinkbikini
    mypinkbikini Posts: 341 Member
    @VeggieGirlforLife 6 months is enough time to get a lot of stepping done and think about HOW you can shape your resume so you're a "better fit" for the next dream job. I've been in my current position for over a decade and VERY grateful I got it because it was a dream job when I got it and it was such a great place for me be. But now its not the perfect fit anymore. I think that's the nature of us growing and changing right?

    This week I've walked 2 miles and just over 3 miles since my big 5 miler. Hopeful I'll continue strong this week and nail 7/7 days of intentional walking!
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Goal: Each week: 1 yoga workout and two strength workouts.

    May 1.....rest day
    May 2.....38 minutes of Cathe Friedrich's add on strength workout on the DVD "Basic Step and Body Fusion"
    May 3.....32 minutes of Walk Off Fat Fast
    May 4.....30 minutes of Strength & Stamina
    May 5.....38 minutes of Yoga and 32 minutes of Jessica Smith's Cardio Core routine
    May 6.....33 minutes of Burn To The Beat
    May 7.....rest day

    May 8.....36 minutes of the 5 Day Walk Plan
    May 9.....rest day
    May 10...light weights, lot's of reps
    May 11...36 minutes of 5 Boosted Miles
    May 12...39 minutes of Candlelight Yoga and 2 miles of 3 Fast and Fun Miles
    May 13....45 minutes of 5 Mix & Match Miles
    May 14....32 minutes of Strength & Stamina

    May 15....32 minutes of 5 Miracle Miles
    May 16....Rest day
    May 17....22 minutes of Candlelight Yoga
    May 18...38 minutes of Burn to the Beat
    May 19....32 minutes of Strength & Stamina and 20 minutes of the 5 Day Walk Plan
    May 20.....Rest day
    May 21.....37 minutes of Strength-light weights lot's of reps

    May 22.....Rest day
    May 23.....Rest day
    May 24.....32 minutes with the blue band from Leslie's Miracle Miles strength session & 1 miles of Burn to the Beat
    May 25.....35 minutes of 5 Boosted Miles

  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    edited May 2021
    Goal: Each week: 1 yoga workout and two strength workouts.

    May 1.....rest day
    May 2.....38 minutes of Cathe Friedrich's add on strength workout on the DVD "Basic Step and Body Fusion"
    May 3.....32 minutes of Walk Off Fat Fast
    May 4.....30 minutes of Strength & Stamina
    May 5.....38 minutes of Yoga and 32 minutes of Jessica Smith's Cardio Core routine
    May 6.....33 minutes of Burn To The Beat
    May 7.....rest day

    May 8.....36 minutes of the 5 Day Walk Plan
    May 9.....rest day
    May 10....light weights, lot's of reps
    May 11....36 minutes of 5 Boosted Miles
    May 12...39 minutes of Candlelight Yoga and 2 miles of 3 Fast and Fun Miles
    May 13....45 minutes of 5 Mix & Match Miles
    May 14....32 minutes of Strength & Stamina

    May 15....32 minutes of 5 Miracle Miles
    May 16....Rest day
    May 17....22 minutes of Candlelight Yoga
    May 18....38 minutes of Burn to the Beat
    May 19....32 minutes of Strength & Stamina and 20 minutes of the 5 Day Walk Plan
    May 20.....Rest day
    May 21.....37 minutes of Strength-light weights lot's of reps

    May 22.....Rest day
    May 23.....Rest day
    May 24.....32 minutes with the blue band from Leslie's Miracle Miles strength session & 1 miles of Burn to the Beat
    May 25.....35 minutes of 5 Boosted Miles
    May 26.....37 minutes of Skinny Sculpt Pilates
    May 27.....34 minutes of 5 Miracle Miles
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    Yes @mypinkbikini - this is exactly what I'm going through and almost the same amount of time. I will be at my job 13 years in a couple months. What was once a dream job isn't anymore and it's definitely time to move on and hopefully find something much better! Thank you again for your encouragement! :flowerforyou:
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,453 Member
    Goal: Average 3 Miles a day for a total of 93 miles and on Sunday and Wednesday-I will do the complete Tone Every Zone workout.

    May 1-WAP-4 Mile Super Challenge-4 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.1 miles=5.1 miles total
    May 2-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=7.5 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.8 miles=9.3 miles total
    May 3-Rest Day- Vivofit tracked 3.0 miles=12.3 miles total
    May 4-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=15.3 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked-.9 miles=16.2 miles total
    May 5-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=18.6 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 2.6 miles=21.2 miles total
    May 6-Rest Day- Vivofit tracked 2.4 miles=23.6 miles total
    May 7-WAP-4 Mile Super Challenge=27.6 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .8 miles=28.4 miles total
    May 8-WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk=33.4 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .4 miles=33.8 miles total
    May 9-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles =36.2 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked-2.2 miles=38.4 miles total
    May 10-Rest Day-2.4 miles=40.8 miles total
    May 11-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=44.8 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.2 miles=46.0 miles total
    May 12-Unplanned Rest Day=Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles=48.3 miles total
    May 13-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=50.7 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.6 miles 52=.3
    May 14-Unplanned rest day-Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles=54.6 miles total
    May 15-WAP-4 Mile Super Challenge-58.6 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .2 miles=58.8 miles total
    May 16-WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk=63.8 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .8 miles=64.6 miles total
    May 17-Rest Day-vivofit tracked 2.4 miles=67.0 miles total
    May 18-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=71.0 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.6 miles=72.6 miles total
    May 19-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=75.0 miles total
    -vivofit tracked-1.8 miles=76.8 miles total
    May 20-Rest Day- Vivofit tracked 1.9 miles=78.7 miles total
    May 21-Helped DH-missed W/O-Vivofit tracked 1.8 miles=80.5 miles total
    May 22-WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk=85.5 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .1 miles=85.6 miles total
    May 23-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=88.6 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked-2.0 miles=90.6 miles total
    May 24-Rest Day-Vivofit tracked 3.5 miles=94.1 miles total Goal Miles reached! :star::star:
    May 25-Did not feel like working out at all!!! Vivofit tracked 1.3 miles=95.4 miles total
    May 26-Did not feel like working out at all!!!! Vivofit tracked 2.9 miles=98.3 miles total
    May 27-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone Upper and Lower Body only 1.4 miles + 5K with a Twist 3.0 miles=4.4 miles=102.7 miles total

    I got all off my routine this week helping DH in the garden (which I HATE!!! Plants do not like me!! :grumble: ) and carrying wood. I am not fond of carrying wood either, but I love my warm fire in the winter soooooooo.....! :blush: Then, today, I had to help him carry the planters into the garage so the tomato blossoms do not freeze as we are having a frost tonight and tomorrow!!!! LOL Generally speaking, no one plants earlier than Memorial Day here as a late frost is not at all unusual. However, DH loves to temp fate! :laugh:

    @VeggieGirlforLife I remembered that you and I are the two people on this board who hate hot weather. Everyone else seems to complain about the cold except for you and me! :+1: It is one reason why we retired as far north as we could get and we even considered northern Canada!!! :smiley: As to your job, hang in there as the job for you is out there. It just may take a little time to find it. :heart:

    @mypinkbikini You are so right about growing and changing so a job that was once a dream job is now a burden. That happened to me in my first job. I loved that job so much! It paid great and I thought it was so exciting! But after 10 years, I was bored to death every day and hated going into to work no matter how much they paid me! My DH is the one who told me I had just grown and matured out of the job. At the time, I had no idea that could even happen! Live and Learn! :smirk:

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Goal: Each week: 1 yoga workout and two strength workouts.

    May 1.....rest day
    May 2.....38 minutes of Cathe Friedrich's add on strength workout on the DVD "Basic Step and Body Fusion"
    May 3.....32 minutes of Walk Off Fat Fast
    May 4.....30 minutes of Strength & Stamina
    May 5.....38 minutes of Yoga and 32 minutes of Jessica Smith's Cardio Core routine
    May 6.....33 minutes of Burn To The Beat
    May 7.....rest day

    May 8.....36 minutes of the 5 Day Walk Plan
    May 9......rest day
    May 10....light weights, lot's of reps
    May 11....36 minutes of 5 Boosted Miles
    May 12....39 minutes of Candlelight Yoga and 2 miles of 3 Fast and Fun Miles
    May 13....45 minutes of 5 Mix & Match Miles
    May 14....32 minutes of Strength & Stamina

    May 15....32 minutes of 5 Miracle Miles
    May 16....Rest day
    May 17....22 minutes of Candlelight Yoga
    May 18....38 minutes of Burn to the Beat
    May 19....32 minutes of Strength & Stamina and 20 minutes of the 5 Day Walk Plan
    May 20.....Rest day
    May 21.....37 minutes of Strength-light weights lot's of reps

    May 22.....Rest day
    May 23.....Rest day
    May 24.....32 minutes with the blue band from Leslie's Miracle Miles strength session & 1 miles of Burn to the Beat
    May 25.....35 minutes of 5 Boosted Miles
    May 26.....37 minutes of Skinny Sculpt Pilates by Ellen Barrett
    May 27.....34 minutes of 5 Miracle Miles
    May 28.....39 minutes of Burn and Firm Pilates by Ellen Barrett

    I injured my hand this week. Was walking my dog in the woods behind our house and one of my pants legs got caught on the brand of a dead cedar tree. I was in mid step and went down like a dead cedar tree, myself... Put my hands out to break my fall and the area between my thumb and index finder came down on a branch sticking straight up. No stitches needed, and the swelling has gone down some, but still hurts from time to time. Note to self: Do not wear boot cut jeans in the woods. So not able to use weights for a while.

    I hadn't done any Pilates workouts in a while and was pleasantly surprised that I got through them fairly well and that the next day, I could feel it in my glutes and thighs. Good to break out of the strength rut I was in. I really like Kelly Coffee Meyer and CatheyFriedrich but was really ready for a change.

    Walk Happy 😊
  • mypinkbikini
    mypinkbikini Posts: 341 Member
    I walked 5 out of 7 days this week. One of my rest days had a good hour of physical activity helping out a charity though so not a bad effort! Today was a real good 4 miler though!
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,453 Member
    Goal: Average 3 Miles a day for a total of 93 miles and on Sunday and Wednesday-I will do the complete Tone Every Zone workout.

    May 1-WAP-4 Mile Super Challenge-4 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.1 miles=5.1 miles total
    May 2-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=7.5 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.8 miles=9.3 miles total
    May 3-Rest Day- Vivofit tracked 3.0 miles=12.3 miles total
    May 4-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=15.3 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked-.9 miles=16.2 miles total
    May 5-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=18.6 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 2.6 miles=21.2 miles total
    May 6-Rest Day- Vivofit tracked 2.4 miles=23.6 miles total
    May 7-WAP-4 Mile Super Challenge=27.6 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .8 miles=28.4 miles total
    May 8-WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk=33.4 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .4 miles=33.8 miles total
    May 9-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles =36.2 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked-2.2 miles=38.4 miles total
    May 10-Rest Day-2.4 miles=40.8 miles total
    May 11-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=44.8 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.2 miles=46.0 miles total
    May 12-Unplanned Rest Day=Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles=48.3 miles total
    May 13-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=50.7 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.6 miles 52=.3
    May 14-Unplanned rest day-Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles=54.6 miles total
    May 15-WAP-4 Mile Super Challenge-58.6 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .2 miles=58.8 miles total
    May 16-WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk=63.8 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .8 miles=64.6 miles total
    May 17-Rest Day-vivofit tracked 2.4 miles=67.0 miles total
    May 18-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=71.0 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.6 miles=72.6 miles total
    May 19-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=75.0 miles total
    -vivofit tracked-1.8 miles=76.8 miles total
    May 20-Rest Day- Vivofit tracked 1.9 miles=78.7 miles total
    May 21-Helped DH-missed W/O-Vivofit tracked 1.8 miles=80.5 miles total
    May 22-WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk=85.5 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked .1 miles=85.6 miles total
    May 23-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone 2.4 miles=88.6 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked-2.0 miles=90.6 miles total
    May 24-Rest Day-Vivofit tracked 3.5 miles=94.1 miles total Goal Miles reached! :star::star:
    May 25-Did not feel like working out at all!!! Vivofit tracked 1.3 miles=95.4 miles total
    May 26-Did not feel like working out at all!!!! Vivofit tracked 2.9 miles=98.3 miles total
    May 27-Just Walk- Tone Every Zone Upper and Lower Body only 1.4 miles + 5K with a Twist 3.0 miles=4.4 miles=102.7 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked-1.6 miles=104.3 miles total
    May 28-WAP-4 Mile Super Challenge=108.3 miles total

    Well, the scale is finally moving again and my jeans have gotten very loose. I am re-energized!!! I have lost my "winter weight" .... finally! Now I am going after the COVID pounds!!! :grumble: I am making a plan for June!!! :wink:

    Oh no @AnnofB ! That is such a tender area to hurt! We really can't walk in the woods in boot cut jeans (or any jeans for that matter) in the north because of the deer ticks and the threat of Lyme disease. Maybe that is a good thing???? :laugh: I hope you heal up quickly! :heart:

    Walk Strong Everyone!!! :bigsmile: