Roll Call - Thursday, May 13, 2021

shenry111 Posts: 4,280 Member
Good Morning!


  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,280 Member
    Good Morning!

    Bill, holding you in prayer for your pain management.

    I finally got the yard mowed last night. It was really getting tall. Tonight, is all about moving furniture. We are having the living room carpet pulled out tomorrow, and then on Monday, having the Luxury Vinyl Tile installed. I am frustrated with the number of projects that Connie has had going on. The entire living room has to be emptied, which means dragging heavy furniture out the front door, and down and around the house to the garage. Ouch!

    Work has been equally busy. Our sales are up 40% from 2019. We are seeing blockages in our production capability that is unfortunately more about poor supervision, and less about actual production capacity. How do you tell a 76 year old supervisor that has been with the company for over 30 years that he either needs to change, or retire? Our operations manager is also failing to rise to the challenge. There are some tough decisions ahead for the company, or some really angry customers. It is not easy.

    Lots going on today with the furniture moving, a couple of meetings, and at 11:30, continuation of an unemployment hearing for a guy that we fired for stealing from the company. Ugh.

    Have a great day!

  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,911 Member
    edited May 2021
    Mornin' gents.

    Me dad had a saying, "get with the program or get out of the way". And the mob guys say "it ain't personal, its just business". Too bad the seasoned veteran can't remember back to when he was younger and he was the guy trying to update the process.

    76 yrs old. Why does he still want to work? Heck, I'm 60 and thinking about retirement.

    Prayers for all of us old farts.

    Be OP ;-)
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,180 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    I'm mowing our lawn every four days.

    I'm with you, Lee. I retired two months before my 61st birthday. But I had both the lifestyle and financial position to do so. If I had still been making mortgage payments, car payments and consumer debt, and had no savings, it would have been a harder decision. Some people can't afford to retire, even if they are making a good living - or seem to - from their occupation. Getting by on just Social Security would seem like descending into poverty to wait for death. Not an appealing prospect.
  • myallforjc
    myallforjc Posts: 25 Member
    Good Morning

    That is a tough situation Steve. Back in my working days it usually came down to who in management had a strong relationship with them. I doubt this can work out until the owner meets with them and tells them he needs their support and leadership in making some changes so the company can continue to grow. Often this would lead to a retirement decision since change is hard. I am guessing he continues to work because it defines his life to him. Hard though. He has given decades to the company and that needs to be recognized.

    Drs office visit with the PA was fairly worthless except for getting prescriptions renewed and I actually met my Dr in person. She offered muscle relaxers in case the spasms continue. I passed for now. I have to come back in a month to see the actual Doctor for an exam. By then it will be getting close to the time to repeat the RFA which should knock the daily pain down quite a bit. In the meantime I am starting to do some research and rethink my approach to all this, especially when my PT leaves at the end of the month.

    PT and taxes today. Fun times. If the back calms down I will try a walk.
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,561 Member
    Late check in...

    Went paddling very early today and a short hike. My back is okay afterwards so that’s good.