Roll Call~TGIF 5/14/21

manladdvm Posts: 8,911 Member
Mornin' gents.


  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,911 Member
    So may I ask the CDC if we are on the honor system now?

    Me dad's 90 yr old widow decided to schedule a last minute memorial service for me dad next weekend. Flights to Jacksonville last minute are few and far between. I do not think I'm going. I will attend via Zoom. She is a heck of a lady, and still pretty sharp, and very family oriented. I spent an hour and 20 minutes on the phone with her last night. Long phone conversations are not my strong suit.

    Great that your back felt good after your paddle yesterday, Mike.

    How's everybody feeling today? I did a leg work out just holding 25lb dumb bells two days ago. It felt great when I did it, but my right knee (needs a replacement) blew up the day after and I have been gimping around for two days. Ugh.

    Praying that Bill's back pain has quieted and Sam's clot has resolved.

    Be OP ;-)

  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,280 Member
    Good Morning!

    Prayers for you, Lee. I know that the grief is still strong, and close to the surface.

    Collin and I moved all of the furniture out of the living room last night. The carpet will be taken out today. I backed the truck up to the front door, and took loads down to the garage. All-in-all, it was not too bad, but my back, hip, and knee are unhappy with me this morning. Bad thing is, we get to do the reverse Monday evening onto the new flooring.

    Rain is part of the forecast 8 of the 9 next days. I hope it holds off this morning. I took a large rock or something that put a golf ball sized smash in my windshield. Scared the poop out of me when it happend! Safelite is coming out this morning to fix.

    Boss is out of the office this afternoon. I'm hoping the restless natives stay quiet, and that I have a quiet end to the week.

    Have a great day!
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,180 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    I'm sorry you can't get to Florida, Lee.

    Woke up with my back in an uproar. This situation usually passes after an hour or two. I've tried sleeping on a variety mattresses, but nothing seems to make a difference.

    Beautiful weather, here. It will be sunny in the high 70s all weekend, before 50s and rain return next week.

    Spent a few hours in the shop, playing around, yesterday. I am making a shop stool out of some old 2X4s I had. Difficult wood to turn: wants to chip and split. I drilled the holes for the stretchers and turned the legs, and turned the seat from several pieces glued together. I still need to turn the stretchers, drill the angled holes in the seat and assemble the whole thing.
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,561 Member
    Mornin' men. Nice day here-- blue sky, no wind and pleasantly cool but warm in the sun. Sat outside this morning with my coffee and a bowl of grits, reading awhile.

    Lee, RIP to yer dad. Too bad you can't make it there, but kind of really short notice! It's the thought that counts. God bless you, and yer dad's widow.

    Steve, hopefully Connie will be done reconstructing the house for awhile. And hopefully you don't hurt yourself!

    Dave, stool making project sounds really interesting. I have an old farmhouse ladderback chair with a wicker seat that was probably handmade back in the early 1800's. Nice to think things were put together by someone who put his soul into it.

    Some household chores today and a walk/easy hike somewhere later.
  • myallforjc
    myallforjc Posts: 25 Member
    Good Morning

    I am sorry you can't make it to your Dad's funeral Lee and for the short notice. I hope you are able to get down there at some point when things have improved a bit more.

    I can't claim I understood too much of the stool project but I look forward to the pictures.

    Back went south on me again yesterday afternoon after my Drs appt. Likely from doing all the movement in the assessment. Live and learn. Living on Tylenol ER in the meantime. I turned down muscle relaxers in case the spasms continue. It seems I need to suck it for a couple of months and then perhaps they will do another RFA to ease the pain. It has 9 mos, they prefer 10-12 so I see the actual Dr next month. Hope to finish most of the taxes today after wrestling with Turbo tax yesterday to get it to install and load in last years information. Not sure what went wrong. Tutoring and some mentor training to do this afternoon for some new mentors at Miracle Friends. We are in serious need of volunteers to become virtual friends with the unhoused. If you know anyone who would be interested let me know and I will send a link or answer any questions.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,837 Member
    Still have clot but believe it is better, DMIL says leg is ugly
    Not near as painful
    Hope folks backs gets better soon and all have a great weekend