fitting in exercise.

i have a hard time getting to the gym. i have 4 kids under 10. i manage to walk them to school and back and get some housework done. i have to drink lots of caffeine to get this done though. that leaves no time for going to the gym to do body flow or yoga. i log everything i do. cooking, cleaning, walking, etc. but i feel like i am drowning half the time. the house never gets all the way clean. things are backing up that needs to be decluttered etc. i have no time to to do my sewing projects, going to the gym, or even just going for a walk by myself. i cant get the kids to really help either. i am so exhausted and i am afraid that all this caffeine i am drinking will backfire on me and give me a big flare up. i am afraid i will crash soon. then what do i do?

anybody else? am i doing too much?