July 2021 Monthly WL Challenge



  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,596 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 407
    LTGW: right now its just 299

    Weigh-ins: Sunday
    7/4/21 = 359.6
    7/11/21 =360
    7/18/21 =
    7/25/21 =
    Total WL/G for the month=

    I didn't gain much but I think its because of TOM so I am not really worried about it. I am still going to do what I need to do but I also need to add more exercise back in daily, even if its just walking on some of those days. I don't see me losing 10lbs in two weeks haha but I would love to see the scale at least say 355
  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member
    Stacie 38 / 5"4

    My Numbers:
    SW: 281lbs when I started MFP (298lbs at my biggest)
    CW: 215
    LTGW: 130

    Weigh-ins: Fridays
    7/2/21 = 218 (+3)
    7/9/21 = 217 (-1)
    7/16/21 =
    7/23/21 =
    Total WL/G for the month= +2
  • FancyIsMyName
    FancyIsMyName Posts: 29 Member
  • FancyIsMyName
    FancyIsMyName Posts: 29 Member
    I think we could all use these reminders. It resonated with me today.
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 739 Member
    So I'm on a surprise week 'holiday' (I say it like that because we can't really go anywhere or do anything as other half not vaccinated yet) for my 10th wedding anniversary! I already forgot completely to log on to mfp on Monday because I was having too much fun >_< Just some happy news really as I thought we weren't going to do anything but he's lovely in the house activities and things planned :D
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,596 Member
    so I have been fighting craving the last few days and its hard. I hate when I just want to eat everything and anything. I am also leaving next Tuesday to go to a friends for the week. at least down there I know I won't eat bad because she is watching her food as well so we will help each other
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    Skittles, that TOM always makes me ravenous too! I’ll often eat at maintenance for a couple days and plan in a snack or two when I need it. You and Gnawcraft have fun on your vacations!

    @StacieBugPrude, any luck with the dietician?
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    SW: 330
    CW: 257.8
    GW: 253
    LTGW: 235 (for a BMI of 35 per the doc)

    Weigh-ins Thursday:
    7/1: 257.8
    7/8: 255.8 (-2)
    7/15: 253.4 (-4.8)

    Added a couple of new goal habits this week. It’s interesting how a new goal throws off my routine, my meals have been off kilter, extra fatigue, missing meals, skipping parts of meal prep because of fatigue. I’ll have to adjust my planning as I trouble shoot all this.

    One of my more basic goals is to eat veggies with each meals. In the winter I do this with frozen veggies (they’re pre-chopped and easy energy-wise), and cooking them into my soups I eat for breakfasts and batch-cooked dinners. In the summer, though, I try to use the fresh veggies from the CSA and my little garden. I think I’ll look at buying a food processor to help make the chopping and slicing easier on my hands and arm strength (I have an autoimmune disease, so I conserve energy where I can), and assign a block of time or two a week to do a bunch at once. I’ll have to figure out “grab and go” veggies that I can prep and take with me too. It’s a bit challenging because I have some allergies and trouble with chewing weakness at times. But it’s not impossible, just have to figure it out.

    I’ve also consciously set times to eat, so I don’t get overly hungry. That’s a trigger for me to over eat, so I have to stay on top of it when I’m stressed. Found a note to myself about that in my journal.

    Interesting how a little change in routine and a new goal at the “wrong” time throws things off balance. Has made me stop and breathe and use my plan B more than once this week.

    My plan B includes some meals in the freezer that I know fit my plan. And a few items at restaurants that fit the plan, too, written down in my journal, so I can remember when I’m stressed and not spiral out of control. (And also plan ahead for dinners out with friends 😉)

  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member
    Stacie 38 / 5"4

    My Numbers:
    SW: 281lbs when I started MFP (298lbs at my biggest)
    CW: 215
    LTGW: 130

    Weigh-ins: Fridays
    7/2/21 = 218 (+3)
    7/9/21 = 217 (-1)
    7/16/21 =217
    7/23/21 =
    Total WL/G for the month= +2

    Hello, sorry, I haven't been ignoring anyone! I took a bit of a break from weight apps, aside from logging food. I'm planning on hitting it hard again. I haven't spoken to my doctor yet, but i plan to call tomorrow. I've decided to try protein shakes for breakfast and cutting out coffee for the next 2 weeks. I'm still really hoping to be out of 200s by end of August.
  • FancyIsMyName
    FancyIsMyName Posts: 29 Member
    SW: 325
    CW: 303.8
    GW: 298 for July
    LTGW: 190

    Weigh-ins Mondays
    7/5. 304
    7/12 304
    7/21 299.3
    Total for July:

    I had gotten off kilter too, with a couple of weeks bouncing up and down. However I kept going, even though not perfectly. Finally on Monday, it seemed to stabilize. I officially hit 25 lbs lost. 🎉🎉🎉 So let’s keep going!
  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member
    Congrats @FancyIsMyName . You're doing great!
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    SW: 330
    CW: 257.8
    GW: 253
    LTGW: 235 (for a BMI of 35 per the doc)

    Weigh-ins Thursday:
    7/1: 257.8
    7/8: 255.8 (-2)
    7/15: 253.4 (-4.8)
    7/22: 252.4 (-5.8)

    So glad to see you guys back!!

    I went ahead and bought the food processor to help with slicing and dicing the veggies, and I think it’s going to be a good investment. I was able to prep the whole week’s veggies (except the kale) last night and still had strength left in my hands to clean the kitchen last night and clear out the dishwasher this morning, no way that would have happened last week. So, let’s call that a win on the energy conservation side!

    The scale has had a couple bouts of goofiness I’m calling out this week— one was after a restaurant meal that I could taste the saltiness of, and sure enough, my weight was up 1.5 pounds the next day, but dropped the day after. Then today, my weight is up a POUND because I ate later than usual last night because I was prepping all those veggies and running some errands. My low weight this week was 251.4 yesterday, and I had a calorie deficit, so logically it would have been lower today, except I’m probably still digesting last night’s dinner. Darned scale is a Lying McLierpants.

    I both pulled back on one of the new habits by happenstance this week, and upped my planning game to be gentler to myself (making sure I was planning foods Id eat and actually had time and energy to prep). I also prepped twice yesterday when getting dinner ready, once for last night and a second bowl next to it that I can freeze to go right into the instant pot for a quick meal next week. Twice the outcome for the same work. 😃👍🏼 Those kinds of decisions are making the chaotic feeling subside a bit.
  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member
    Stacie 38 / 5"4

    My Numbers:
    SW: 281lbs when I started MFP (298lbs at my biggest)
    CW: 215
    LTGW: 130

    Weigh-ins: Fridays
    7/2/21 = 218 (+3)
    7/9/21 = 217 (-1)
    7/16/21 =217
    7/23/21 = 217
    Total WL/G for the month= +2
    Well, I'm going no where fast, but it's better than gaining
  • dleyba48
    dleyba48 Posts: 2 Member
    49/ 5"10

    My Numbers:
    SW: 520
    CW: 384
    LTGW: 220

    I’ve just found this group in which i am so that thankful! will post my progress.
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 739 Member
    So I fell and forked myself and couldn't walk for ages :D Back to business for August lol!