Shouldn't I get "tighter"?...

nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
I think the dieting is finally getting to me, I'm definitely going through an emo phase right now. I *know* it's all going well, my body looks better, the tape measure shows a (modest) improvement, even the scales agree. And yet I feel i'm flabbier somehow - especially my belly and my arms that look and feel like they're made of jello. Is that normal? Is it "loose skin" or something of the sorts? I've only lost an inch off my waist at best, and about 4 pounds in a month so I didn't expect such an outcome...


  • LorienCoffeeBean
    LorienCoffeeBean Posts: 227 Member
    im getting the same on my stomach. its totally still there, but looser somehow. i figure ive lost some fat under the skin
  • mrshallewell
    its remembering that we tighten from the inside out thats the problem. i can feel my muscles coming closer to the surface but the top bit feels extra squidgy and wobbly but feels..... less dense maybe.
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    Alright, at least I'm not alone and it's not in my head... I guess age plays a factor here because I had lost the bulk of my weight 10 years ago (when I was 20) and never experienced this... Here's to hoping it gets better! :)