jamie oliver going up in my estimation

Jamie Oliver generally winds me up it seems he is playing on the cheeky essex market stall barrow boy stereotype.
Just saw this clip from the TED awards.
Interesting I'm sure but sadly an equal mix of nothing we don't know and nothing we feel empowered to do much about



  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I :heart: Jamie!

    He's a fantastic chef and an ambassador for healthy eating. Always has been.

    He did play on the cockney Essex boy thing earlier on in his career, but I think he needed an edge to get noticed. It worked! I dont think he's done that for a while now. He's been trying to change school meals for years now.

    Now Gordon Ramsey? Can't stand him!! :laugh:
  • AstroRocket
    AstroRocket Posts: 119 Member
    Love his cooking but he annoys me. When you watch his shows, it's like he talks to the audiance like we are a bunch of
    Idiots. I appreciate what he's doing ing schools though, still rather give my kids packed lunches, I hated school dinner as a kid.

    I think he's a tad of a hippocrate too, he goes on about health but I'm sure I've seen him smoking in one of his documentary type things.
  • brixtonbanner
    brixtonbanner Posts: 71 Member
    Ehrm how many celebs are guilty of that I wonder?
  • Thanks for the link. I'll watch this when I get home. :smile:
  • mrsjobba2
    mrsjobba2 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks for the link - really interesting