Post-wedding weight-loss wagon

So I've done the classic thing - managed to lose pretty much all the weight I wanted to fit into my lovely dress, look happy and confident in the photos and feel like a healthy adult on my wedding day... and then piled on the pounds on the honeymoon, and continued to pile them on for nearly a year now for a total of about 2 stone over my wedding weight :/

But I'm finally ready to sort myself out. It's my first anniversary on 6 Oct and I'm going to get as much progress under my belt by then as I possibly can.

Anyone else in the same boat?



  • moondust7
    moondust7 Posts: 109 Member
    Hey - same here! Good to see a post from a 2012 bride. I was married on 4-12-12. The one thing that has affected my weight gain (20 lbs from my wedding day!!!) is that I have been trying to get pregnant, and that has really made it difficult. But, I am now in a down time where I have 1.5-2 months where I can (and really need to!!) shed at least 10 lbs.