Name a Fruit or Veggie A to Z
D - Dandelion greens0
E- endive0
F - Fava Beans1
F - Fava Beans1
G- Grapefruit0
H- Honeydew Melon0
I - Ivy Gourd0
J- Jalapeño Peppers0
K - Kabocha Squash0
L- limes0
M - Mushmelons (what my Dad called muskmelons or cantalopes)1
Navel oranges1
O- Onions0
P - Pomegranates1
Q- Quinoa0
R- Radishes0
S - Sunflower seeds0
T - Turnip greens0
Urad Bean0
V - velvet bean0
W- Waxed Green Beans0
X- Xylocarp. A botanical term for a tree that produces a hard, woody fruit, such as a coconut.0
That's a great one Judith. I always just want to skip X because there are so few words to choose from
Y - Yam1 -
Z- Zucchini0
A - asparagus1
B - Banana1
C - Cocoa bean1
D- Dates0
E - edamame1
F- Fennel0