Thursday Cuppa Joe 9.2.21

Authenticity3 Posts: 1,270 Member
Pour yourself a mug of your favorite morning brew. Pull up a chair and join us for our morning roll call here on the BBB.

"Life is a series of dogs"
George Carlin


  • Authenticity3
    Authenticity3 Posts: 1,270 Member
    I think I'm finally all rested up from the wedding. Oh, my, the HEAT wore me out more than anything! Her house is tiny and has no air conditioning, and we were in 100 degree heat for very extended hours for 2 days. But, the bride was happy, which is the most important thing. There were snafus ... many of them. And tears about them. One was that, at about 10pm the night before, as we were driving home from the bajillion degree rehearsal, my Dd called to say that the makeup person who was supposed to be there in the morning had just been diagnosed with COVID. Ugh! My first thought was THANK GOD she found out BEFORE Saturday! But my daughter was sobbing (this was kinda like the straw that broke the camel's back ... there's been so many disappointments for her that week). Luckily for her, she has 2 sisters and a mom who are pretty good with makeup. We pooled all our supplies, got there early the next day, and took care of everyone.

    So anyway, it's all done now.

    I want to publicly thank Doc Lee for calling a couple nights ago and helping me out with an Etta thing. Lee, you have a heart of GOLD. And I always like hearing your awesome voice!

    How are you all doing with your wedding prep, Mary?

    I'm doing wedding bouquets for a member now for an October wedding. It will be a tiny ceremony, so it's just 3 bouquets, and she's letting me do whatever I want. The main flower will be sunflowers, with white backup floral and some autumn accents. :smile:

    And I get to lead music with that other church Sunday again, too, in an outdoor service on the riverfront. Since it was right after the wedding, we're only doing super familiar stuff. I'm looking forward to it!
  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,037 Member

    So thrilled that the wedding was beautiful, despite the little nuances, Lisa! CONGRATS! 100degrees - Id've stripped out of anything that was wedding appropriate Yikes!!!! I sweat under a light bulb so that had to be hellacious!

    Loving the cute Sassy, SGM! Moreover, loving the YaYa Sisterhood in Connecticut! #BAL standing in the rear as if to say, "I dare you! You gotta get through my sissies to get to me!"

    Today is my Friday. TOok off tomorrow for long weekend and decided on a whim I am taking Tues-Fri next week off too!!! Need a break to just enjoy sun and pool before summer's end!

    Waiting on a COVID test result. Had a meeting Monday night - someone at the meeting popped positive for Delta. Ugh! Did a test yesterday - waiting on results today.

  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
    Mornin' BBB.

    Where to start...

    Back atcha Lisa. Your voice is so mellifluous. Glad Etta is OK.

    Dang, Kelly. Maybe you should start wearing skateboarder protective gear, although it might be tough to wear in the shower.

    Wonderful news on the biopsy, Dennis. Just wonderful.

    Very cute doggy face, Steph.

    Poor Cecelia.

    Fingers crossed, Skip. People are popping positive everywhere. Like Dave has said, if enough folks would just get vaccinated, herd immunity would minimize these hot outbreaks.

    Lucy sits there because that is her "spot". Easy for her because of the mat. All dogs must hup (sit) and be still to get bedtime treats. The big dogs were actually being kinda silly and uncooperative for that photo while #BAL was being uber good.

    So I wake up at 1 AM during the overnight deluge from Ida remnants to see that light flashing on the digital clock on the cable box indicating we had lost power sometime while I had been asleep, but that the power had come back on. Problem was that I could not hear the sump system powering on and off, so I got up and went down to the basement to check. Well, I had 2 inches of standing water in the entire lower level. The reason I didn't hear the sump pump powering on and off was that it was running constantly to try and recover the flood. Ugh. The auxiliary back up pump that runs off of a deep cycle battery failed to kick on because its float got snagged. Double Ugh.

    No dog training today. Got to dry out the basement. So much fun. Strongly considering an automatic generator system that runs off of propane.

    BBB OP ;-)

  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Good morning BBB Friends.
    • Yep, Doc Lee is known to make virtual house calls for the BBB K9s. Emma is appreciative too. Thank you Doc!
    • Sounds like a typical hectic wedding Lisa. Good to have it behind you.
    • I hope you fail (negative) your test Skip. But then again you could self-isolate poolside and not take vacation time.
    • It is amazing how a hurricane can make land fall in LA and cause havoc in CT. Good luck Lee.
    • Happy hiking Steph and happy healing Kelly.
    • I'm off to enjoy slightly cooler weather on 2 wheels.
  • steplinn398
    steplinn398 Posts: 2,908 Member
    Morning BBB

    We went to a board game bar last night and played two games that are in test phase. The designers ask for feedback and work out the kinks before it goes to market. Fun times.

    We picked up our America the Beautiful pass yesterday. Great value for only $80.

    The wedding “issues” will all be fun stories in a few years. Bride is lucky she has you all.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,963 Member
    Good morning BBB crew.

    I typed up a long entry about the pain of crate training you cute, but protesting puppy, then hit the wrong key and deleted the whole thing. You get the edited version, this time. Crate training seems hard on both of us, but we have to do it.

    This shot is from yesterday afternoon, out on the back deck. She was just so eager to get up on my lap.

  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,664 Member
    Good Afternoon,
    Missed Emmaus breakfast this morning, school could not find a sub
    I had lots of plans for today, that all went to the wayside
    Now I find there is a called meeting tonight that I need to attend,
    I'm suppose to be retired where I don't have much to do.
    Glad to have you back Lisa, all weddings are stressful for bride and brides mother; but afterwards everyone looks back and only remembers the good parts; of course sometimes it takes a little longer to get over somethings.
    I image Mary is beginning to feel stressed
    Lee, has been a lifesaver to many of our furry family
    With humidity does not seem that much cooler, 85 when I got home around 2
    Per phone humidity is dropping today, heat index 88
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
    Actually, Roller Derby protective gear for Kelly.