Please share what coloring books or apps you use

I use a color by number called Happy Color from the Google play store.


    KRENTX Posts: 1,309 Member
    Can you use that on a pc or does it only work on phone or ipad?
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 872 Member
    I'm unsure about a PC, but it works on my Android phone. It also works on my Samsung tablet, as I have to use my tablet to post on MFP. I don't know why it won't let me post through my phone, but I think it is a limitation of the MFP app.
    KRENTX Posts: 1,309 Member

    Micki, I did a search on YouTube for coloring tips. Take a look. You mentioned shading. You can find someone to show you anything on YouTube. I often look there for inspiration. Actually for MOTIVATION when I am just not doing anything artistic but have the urge to do something! I have a block sometimes, a dry spell, and it drives me nuts. The urge doesn't go away but I can't seem to get there.

    I don't have an Etsy shop but thank you for that compliment. I have been offered $$ for my painting before but I have never sold any. I do give some away now and then. These days I'm into much smaller works and if they are on paper I can put them in a mat and mail them to friends/family easily.

    This is Kren's Collection, lol. My house is full of it. Some of them are not finished but I keep them where I can stare at them and get ideas and motivation to get that job done.




    Do not ever think you CAN'T. "Some of us are born with talent. The rest of us learn technique." That quote is from ME. Couldn't draw a smiley face until I was 40 years old. These days you can watch a tutorial on anything free on YouTube. Just DO it. You'll have fun and relax. I listen to Little Big Town and James Taylor when I'm doing art. All the daily strife disappears!

  • mickirom
    mickirom Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! On that app "Happy Color" - I didn't try to download it on my laptop, but I did find it on the Playstore. I thought it looked like a lot of fun to try so I peaked at it! As far as shading and learning - thanks for the reminder regarding YouTube! I remember to go there when I need to fix things around the house (I live alone and try to do everything myself) but forget that it's out there for other things! LOL Mostly I color while listening to audiobooks. My eyes start going wacky after reading more than a half-hour straight and reading is MY LIFE! You will always find me with a book of some type. So coloring kinda takes 2nd place to reading.

    I have all kinds of coloring books - it depends on the mood I'm in ;) I pick them up at thrift stores and yard sales AND my kids will get them for me on "present" days! I have mostly "adult" coloring books - but I even have a couple kid ones! And yes, those I do with crayons! LOL

    KRENTX Posts: 1,309 Member
    Micki, Audiobooks! You really need to come join my team so we can discuss those. I have earbuds in my ears all day and night. I don't want to sit and read all day I want to move around all over the place doing other things and LISTEN to those books! So many wonderful narrators who can speak foreign words and names of cities so much than I can using Texan, my primary language!
  • mickirom
    mickirom Posts: 10 Member
    Giggles I wanted to hit all the buttons at the bottom of your comment Karen! I wish they'd let me "like and hug and call it inspiring and" ... Yep!
    But you understand me because I too don't want to sit and read all day but I do want to read all day!!! LOL
    KRENTX Posts: 1,309 Member
    I DO understand, lol. Books and art. That's my thing! And I can do both at the same time!
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 872 Member
    I have found my peeps! Books and art! And a little tv..... 🤣💕
    KRENTX Posts: 1,309 Member
    Yes, indeed! The joys in life!
  • mickirom
    mickirom Posts: 10 Member
    I have found my peeps! Books and art! And a little tv..... 🤣💕

    I just saw this! And you made me giggle like I was a little girl again! Yep! I totally agree with you!