What I am reading about hormones, insulin, fat storage, and gut/brain stuff



  • ideas2
    ideas2 Posts: 1,261 Member
    edited February 2022

    I am watching this video this morning. I think I remember that you ordered the book Metabolical, but I didn´t know if you have finished it. This is an interview with Robert Lustig, the author. In the book he talks about how to interpret your lab results, but he goes on and hits some additional points here. Also, starting around minute 34 in this video, he talks about why doctors in the U.S. are not ordering fasting insulin tests and why he believes they should be. I don´t know if Canadian doctors have similar policies or not.


    If you feel comfortable sharing, how were your triglycerides and triglyceride to HDL ratios.

    He also is very emphatic that obesity and insulin levels are not well correlated, and that very obese people can have normal insulin levels and thin people can have very high insulin levels. My takeaway is that the kind of food you eat may be more important than the quantity of food you eat.

  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,614 Member
    edited February 2022
    Hi, talking to my GP today. My triglycerides were 1.66. My HDL was A1.07.
    There is a Chol/HDL risk ratio listed - 4.31 - but I don't see anything about triglycerides/HDL ratio.

    Thank you very much for your input - I am indeed still working my way through Metabolical! But now the Olympics have taken.over every free minute and then some 😏
  • ideas2
    ideas2 Posts: 1,261 Member
    edited February 2022
    @BCLadybug888 If there are not typos in there Canadian tests are reported differently than here. Do you think that was supposed to be triglycerides 166 and HDL 107 (that would be poor for triglycerides and amazingly good for HDL, which is the ¨good cholesterol.¨ 1.66 for triglycerieds on an American scale is unfathomably low, so I wondered if it is a typo or if in Canada the units are different. We also don´t use letters in reporting the HDL results, so I guess I am not going to be able to help much. The way things are reported here, you want your triglycerides to be lower than your HDL. High triglycerides would suggest you need to watch sugars even more than fats. If you can skip ahead in the book to the chapter where he addresses how to interpret your labs I think that would be very helpful before you talk to your doctor.

    I am glad you are enjoying the Olympics. My suggestion would be experimenting with standing up to watch them as much as possible, or even ¨do the zombie shuffle¨-- kind of pace around, while you watch them. You would be amazed at how helpful this is to avoid all the sedentary problems. That is what I try to do now, I tell myself I can watch as much TV or online stuff as I want provided most of the time is spent at least standing, if not shuffing/pacing around. I don´t do it when others are around to avoid annoying them, but I really think it is a great habit to work on when I am alone.