Daily Eating on a Budget Chat



    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I have skimmed through all the messages. Prayers for those who need them.

    This week has been busy, stressful and ending good.

    To start I worked Sunday morning then in the afternoon had a viewing for an apartment. Buses didn't strike as they came to a tentative agreement. Voting will be this weekend. Worked on Monday. Early Tuesday morning woke up to a fire in a vacant building near us. Had Tuesday off and hung out with friends and filled out the apartment application. Went to TOPS Wednesday morning and was surprised to find I lost half a pound. Worked Wednesday night. Worked Thursday and had today off. I was in contact with the manager of the apartment all week working on trying to get it. Came down to needing a Cosigner which I had on the back burner. Sent the info to them today for the Cosigner and was accepted right away. Moving day is March 1st!!! Ex still has no clue. Also today got a new phone and running shoes. Now for all the packing with out tipping the ex off to much. Also the Boss cut me back to 20 hours next week. This means I only work 3 days next week unless we can get him to give me more time.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today went through some stuff and packed what I am keeping. So much more to do. Signed my part of the lease. Son and Cosigner still have to sign tomorrow. I am working at 4 am tomorrow then coming home and going through more stuff. Still have to get lots of boxes as well as get hydro delt with and getting my moving crew organized. Also today did some laundry, dishes and helped my Son make dinner.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today is a long day. Got up at 2 am after only sleeping for a couple hours to be at work for 4 am. Had a great work day. Came home and just forced myself to stay awake by playing games on my phone. Once my friend was home my Son and I stopped by so we could get the lease signing finished. That has been completed. Filled out online form for the hydro to be in place for the beginning of the month. Then visited until she left to go to her son's for super bowl. Now just waiting for dinner to arrive. Have to be at work for 9 am tomorrow so not sure if will make it through the whole game. Definitely weird not really having a party this year for super bowl. Talked to the boss on the way to work this morning and he added Tuesday so now I have 4 days this week.

  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    I am just plain tired. My days and nights are consumed by writing. The pay stinks.

    How are you?