Need ideas - macros etc

So pissed, just type this and accidentally deleted it.
So the short and the sweet this time...

Having trouble working out my macros/cal goals. 2 reasons,
1. I don't trust the online things IFFYM, fat2fitradio, Scooby etc - maybe Im paranoid??
2. I never know what "activity level" to choose for myself. (Work day is 50% sitting, 50% moderate intensity movement teaching seniors fitness, teach 2 cycle and 2 yoga fusion per week plus strength train on the days I don't teach cycle or fusion - normally 1 off day if I'm lucky and **** hasn't hit the fan causing me to cover other instructors classes)

My goal is to
- loose some body fat and change my body composition a little.
I am 160 lb according to my scale (not sure of accuracy) and about 27% BF.
I don't completely dislike my weight since I have lost 85lb already - even if a stayed 160lb I would be happy if my body composition changed.

I had to give up strong lifts (had awesome gains - squat:160lb, OH Press: 75lb, DL: 170lb) only because when combined with cycle, squatting so much was making my hips insanely tight. When I complete my current program I would like to start a Wendler type program 4 days a week so I can at least vary my lifts a little more.

I doubt that its my exercise regime that needs help, I think I have decent commitment and goals.
Im good with my water.

Just looking some help to organize my macros and food a little better. I eat pretty clean and am more than happy to share my diary with anyone who might be able to help me both clean it up but still keep energized throughout my day..

