Words Pronounced the Same but Spelled Different
Aisle - I'll - isle1
Sax ~ Sacks1
Teem - team1
Bark - barque1
Aerial- areal- Ariel0
Cached ~ Cashed1
Apatite- Appetite0
Lite ~ Light1
Gage - gauge1
Base - bass (as in musical instument)1
Sign ~ Sine (math)0
Jewel - Joule0
Hole ~ Whole0
Bury - berry0
Plane ~ Plain0
Bask- Basque0
Wok - walk1
Some ~ Sum1
Calculus- Calculous0
Road ~ Rode ~ Rowed (also, Rhode Island and not quite the same, a Rhodes scholar)
He is a Rhodes scholar from Rhode Island. He followed the Road to Boston and then Rode back home the same day after he Rowed in the Charles Regatta! Can you imagine explaining the meaning of that word to a foreigner!! I love this game, it makes me so sensitive to those studying our language.1 -
I do like this game also. What confusing language we have. Great examples you gave JC!
Row - roe (fish eggs)
1 -
Council ~ Counsel
The more we play, the more I learn. When I can't think of a word I try to read a local news article just to see how long it takes me to find a homophone. Tonight's paper I read about our Town Counsel and another article about Student Council...lol1 -
Great idea!
Father - farther (if you say it with a southern accent)1 -
Yes I like this game also, sure gets our minds thinking…
Like the following 3 words!
Con- Conn- Khan1 -
Flower ~ Flour1
Censer - sensor1
Arc ~ Ark1
Not sure if proper names are allowed but if they are here is mine:
Kneel - Neil1 -
Gulf - golf1
Wretch ~ Retch
If someone told Neil to kneel, it might be very confusing to someone learning English! :-)1